Chapter 20 - "I have no intention of marrying."

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Gigi woke the next morning to a crack of lightning and the patter of rain on the window pane. The storm had come overnight and washed the world in gray. She snuggled deeper into her blankets. A quiet smile slid across her face as a giddy feeling bubbled in her stomach. Curling her fingers around the blanket, she remembered Raif's voice, the rhythm of his voice.

Though she knew no one could see her, Gigi hid her face in her pillow, trying to suppress the grin that overtook her. Every time she tried to think of something else Raif's smile would pop into her head. His gray eyes would consume her thoughts. Even the thought of his laugh would jolt her heart. Eventually, she gave up trying to push it away and let him take hold of her mind.

The rain blustered on, but Gigi could only hear Raif's voice. The way his rich cadence moved around words. She heard the distant sound of footsteps in the hallways, as the palace woke up. She didn't move, hugging the edge of her pillow and staring at nothing. The door to her room opened and Margo walked in. She moved to the curtains and pulled them open.

Beyond the windows, the world look vastly different than it ever had. The bright colors of the grounds were subdued and the crystal blue sky was hidden behind thick dark clouds. To Gigi, it made no difference, for the gray only made her think of Raif's eyes.

Margo turned and looked surprised when she saw Gigi wasn't asleep.

"Morning, Lady," she said. "I did not expect to find you awake."

Gigi smiled for the mere fact that she couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"The lightning must have woken me up."

"I'll ring for breakfast then."

Margo left Gigi to slowly pull herself out of the comfort of the blankets. She gave a long stretch, watching as raindrops splattered the window. Grabbing her robe, she slid off the bed and moved to the window. She pulled her arms through the silken material and stared out on the world. The sky looked like an ocean in tempest. Clouds rolled and collided with each other, sending shocks of blue lighting coursing through them.

For a moment, Raif retreated from her mind. The uneven patter took her back to days spent beneath the cozy canvas tent. The warmth from candles and the presence of her parents kept the cold at bay. Their soft murmurs always accompanied the beating rain. The day was spent reading as the candle's shadow danced on the wall.

Gigi hugged the robe about her, suddenly feeling chilled in the huge, open room. The sound of running water stirred her from her memories. Margo walked out of the bathroom.

"How was the ball last night, Lady?" she asked.

That one question was all it took to wash away Gigi's memories and bring a wide grin to her face.

"It was pleasant," she said working to keep her voice even.

She remained looking out on the grounds, trying to rein in the smile that would immediately give her away. It was a struggle Gigi kept losing. Eventually, she contained it and turned to look at Margo. The maid's expression was open with a hint of expectancy, but Gigi found that she wanted to hold close this one small moment.

"I danced with the Prince," she said, knowing that was a topic she could hide her smile beneath. Margo's face lit up.

"This is the second time you have, Lady. What was it like?"

Through getting ready and breakfast, Gigi recounted the night's events, leaving out Raif. Margo was an avid listener and Gigi found room to let her smile loose.

By the time her dishes were empty and cleared, the storm had calmed. A more gentle rain fell over the palace, the pitter-pat of the drops soothing. Gigi looked to the window, feeling a pull to curl up and read. Her gaze shifted to her nightstand and the stacks of books that lay there. They were all ones Davin had handed to her, suggesting they were worth the time. She stood and moved over, reading the titles. When she saw a title she knew, she snatched it, holding it to her chest.

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