Chapter 22 - "You were the exact person I was looking for."

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The storm had passed on and left behind was a glittering world. Droplets of water covered the ground looking like a sea of diamonds. The balcony doors were open and the day smelled fresh, the scent of rain-soaked grass and flowers permeating the air. The sky was a rich blue with white puffy clouds sailing across it.

Gigi sat at her table, holding a cup of tea, her finished breakfast before her. She stared out the windows, watching as birds twirled and dipped. Someone knocked. Gigi gave no indication that she heard as Margo went to open the door.

"I have come to inquire about Lady Genevieve and if she will do me the honor of a ride this morning," a deep, smooth voice said.

"I will see if she is willing," Margo said.

She closed the door and walked over to Gigi.

"Earl Tresin wants to know if you want to go riding this morning, Lady," she said.

The name brought up an image of a man with a nose that dominated his thin face and the smell of pipe smoke that always lingered about him. Gigi sank deeper into her chair, smiling to herself. A sense of freedom washed over her and she felt giddy with the sensation.

"Tell him no," she said. "And that he can let his horse walk over him."

Margo looked shocked, while Gigi continued to grin at the open window. Returning from her astonishment, Margo returned to the waiting nobleman.

"I am sorry to say," she said, "she is flattered by your offer but sadly must decline."

There was a brief silence. "Of course. I will find her later and possibly she would be open to a walk."

Margo gave him a noncommittal bow of her head and closed the door.

"You forgot the part about the horse," Gigi said.

Margo took up a post beside Gigi's chair.

"Lady, I beg your pardon if I overstep my place, but what has gotten into you?"

Gigi glanced at her, seeing the unsettled look in her eyes. She let out a sigh and dropped the smile.

"I have discovered the truth behind all my suitors' intentions and have decided I no longer need to bear their attention." She took a sip from her cup. "I was not what they wanted."

Margo was at a loss what to say. They remained that way, the noise of the busy city tumbling into the room. Gigi set down her cup and stood.

"What will you do today, Lady?" Margo asked.

A lightness came over Gigi's expression. "I do not know. But I shall do it alone, seeing as Duke Sayers is gone and Lord Davin is in a dark library."

She walked to the door and opened it, but paused. She turned back to Margo, who glanced up from her chore of cleaning.

"Yes, Lady?" she asked.

"Thank you for wanting nothing from me."

Margo frowned in puzzlement, but before her confusion could be voiced, Gigi was gone. She wandered down the hallway, taking her time to admire the intricate tapestries, unsure of where she was heading. Sunlight flooded the corridor like water in a glass. Slowly, Gigi found her way down to the main foyer. Servants crossed her path their arms filled with books, curtains, mended dresses and trays of tea.

Gigi was debating where to head next when a voice called to her. Turning, she found a handsome faced man approaching. She held a calm expression, showing no signs of interest. He bowed before her.

"Lady Genevieve," he said, his voice thick with an Eastern accent. "Would you do me the privilege of accompanying me on a walk?"

He gave her a wide smile, that hinted at something more than friendliness. Gigi held back a huff of annoyance, retaining her composure.

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