Chapter 18 - "Very well, mother if you wish it."

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Gigi was still frozen in the same spot, caught up in thoughts of Raif, when the hushed sound of footsteps brought her back to herself. She blinked, as if coming out of a dream. The sun had shifted and she wondered how long she had been standing there immobile.

From around a bend, the Queen appeared. Trailing her was a lady-in-waiting, in a crisp white uniform. The Queen's round face was calm, her eyes distant and thoughtful. It was only when the pair was a few feet away, that the Queen noticed Gigi standing there. An inviting smile came into play. Gigi dipped into a curtsy, bowing her head.

"My Queen," she said in greeting.

"Lady Genevieve." The Queen said her name confidently though they had only interacted once during the first ball. "I somehow do not find it a bit surprising to find you here."

Gigi's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh, my Queen?"

Ashlyn moved forward, with the grace of leaf blow about by the breeze.

"Yes," she said. "You have proven yourself to be at odds to the Ladies of this Court when it comes to these grounds."

Gigi felt at a loss for what to say, never imagining the Queen would notice her, much less note her difference. When Ashlyn didn't say anything, Gigi forced words from her mouth.

"In what way, my Queen?" she asked.

"These grounds," she said, with a note of affection, "are nothing more than a means of seclusion for conversations of gossip or more...private matters." She looked about her, regarding the oak tree that climbed skyward. "They are rarely in them, preferring the shade of the palace." She rested her gaze back on Gigi. "You my dear, have been in these gardens and along these paths more than I have ever seen anyone be."

This was a fact Gigi was well aware of. Among the trees and blossoming flowers she felt closer to home. Closer to the world she knew. In the grounds she didn't feel at a loss as to what or who she was. There was something calming and solid about the place that kept drawing her back.

"This place is so beautiful," Gigi said, gazing around, "that I find it hard to ever leave it." She returned her attention to Ashlyn. "That is why, my Queen."

"Then you see what I have strived to create with all my many gardeners. You are one of the few." She looked at Gigi, something glinting in her dark brown eyes. "Tell me, does anyone have a request on your time for tea?"

"No, my Queen."

Ashlyn smiled encouragingly. "Excellent. Lilith, have tea arranged by the west terrace. Find us when it is ready, we will be at the lily pond." She motioned to Gigi. "Come dear, I wish to show you my favorite part of these grounds, I believe it will be a view you can admire."

"I am honored, my Queen."

They walked off, Ashlyn describing each section of the grounds as they went, explaining what she had envisioned for it and how it had shifted with time. Gigi asked questions and soaked in her words as well as the feelings behind them: pride, love and determination. When one plant refused to grow, it had been removed and another put in its place. There wasn't a piece of the grounds that the Queen hadn't overseen. It was this knowledge that made Gigi wonder how many people the Queen had ever told all of these details to. From the warmth in her voice and the gleam in her eyes, Gigi figured the number was not large at all.

They were standing before a hidden pond, that was covered in lily pads and sprouting reeds, when Lilith found.

"Tea is ready, your majesty," she said.

"Thank you, Lilith," the Queen said. She shifted to Gigi. "Before we go tell me what you think of it all."

A duck quacked as it swam from behind a cluster of green horsetail grass. Ripples raced away as it carved its path through the water. Gigi stared at the scene, breathing in the scent of lilies. The edge of her mouth curled.

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