Chapter 12 - "Do you plan to neglect your duties?"

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The news startled Gigi. "Is it true?"

Davin gave an unconvincing shrug, leaning back on the railing. He turned his head away and worked to keep his features unconcerned.

"Most likely," he said, his voice floating over the people below them. "It would be a union that would greatly benefit the royal family. Her family has the largest holding," he glanced back at Gigi, "second only to that of your Grandparents. Their marriage would continue the peace of present and make it secure for another fifty years or so." He gave a careless wave of his hand. "That is what I have heard. It aligns with what the royal family has done in the past."

"How so?" Gigi asked, her mind spinning with the information.

"Queen Ashlyn was from a large holding in Talvin. The union between her and King Zavier was an act that brought peace to some of the stirrings there. Ever since we have known contentment. That isn't to say fights don't break out among estates and nobles but nothing like it had been."

Gigi stared at him transfixed. "How is it you know so much?"

Davin shrugged a simple gesture that lied about the knowledge in his head.

"Come," he said before Gigi could inquire more.

Rising from the railing, he stretched out his arm to her. Without a word, she took it, her mind still turning over all that he had said. Davin led her back to the stairs and they joined the wave of men and women heading towards the dining room.

"If they are engaged, how long has it been?" Gigi asked, unable to focus on anything else.

Davin kept his face blank, edging towards boredom. "The rumor started about a month ago. The exact time I am not certain of."

Gigi gave a nod, as her mind calculated the time Thayer was in the camp and when he had been returned home. She came to the rough conclusion that the engagement must have taken place only a couple weeks after he left. Gigi looked over at Davin.

"Do you believe her happy with the arrangement?" she asked, unable to stop her thoughts from buzzing.

Davin's face went stony, then morphed into a controlled look.

"I haven't talked the matter over with Everly," he said. He paused. "I mean Lady Everly."

Before Gigi could continue her line of questioning, they stepped into the dining room. All thoughts over Prince Thayer and his engagement vanished from Gigi's mind.

Three long, extravagantly decorated tables, forming a U shape, filled the expansive space. Candelabras lined the center of the tables, the soft flickering light glinting off the place settings.  The vaulted ceiling was painted a muted gold. With the aid of the candles, it gave the room a feeling of being captured in a sunset.

Gigi forced herself not to gawk at the sight around her, all too aware of the glances that were thrown her way. What hit her after the beauty of the room, was the overpowering smell of savory dishes and the scent of spices. 

Davin helped Gigi into a chair, before taking the one on her right. She settled in and surveyed her present company. Across from her were three girls about her age. All of whom were conversing among each other, in lowered voices.

The one in the middle had honey-colored skin, sweeping light brown hair, sharp features, and eyes the same hue of melted chocolate. Her companions were turned towards her.

The girl on the right had deep red hair, a round, pale face and soft green eyes, that reminded Gigi of springtime. The girl on the left was a vast contrast to her counterpart, with thick, dark brown hair, skin almost as tanned as Gigi's, cut features and violet eyes.

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