Chapter 29 - "It does not have to be that way."

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Taking a breath, Gigi smoothed down the front of her dress. The top hung off her shoulders and the gold made her dark skin glow as if lit by candlelight. The day was over but there still lay before her an evening that she was waiting to end, but feared what would happen when it did. Even the bright, staccato melody from below did nothing to lighten the burden in her chest.

In silence, Margo moved around her making sure she looked perfect for the final ball of the festival. In her eyes, Gigi saw hints of concern. A feeling that had grown over the last two days when Gigi had taken to quiet more than talk.

Gigi didn't know how she had made it through the remaining days, but when in company her smile had never faltered and no one had seen past it. All except one person and his smile was a mirror of her own. She had realized then what lies could be hidden behind the simple look.

Margo's last minute adjustments were brought to a halt at the sound of knocking. As she moved to open the door, Gigi brushed her hand over her hair, tucking away a loose strand.

"Evening, Lord and Lady Brixton," Margo said with a curtsy.

Gigi spun around as her grandparents entered. When Lady Brixton saw Gigi, she beamed. The sight did little to warm Gigi, but she returned the look the best she could. She then noticed there were accents of gold in both her grandmother's dress as well as Lord Brixton's suit. Together they would present a unified front. Gigi wondered if this had been intentional.

"You are dismissed," Lord Brixton said, to Margo.

With one final look at Gigi and a curtsy, she did as instructed. Taking Gigi's hands, Lady Brixton led her to a chair and sat her down.

"Now dear," she said, her eyes burning with a secret. "Your grandfather and I would like to discuss something with you."

Gigi folded her hands on her lap and met her grandparents' gaze with an expectant look though her heart was tired.

"Genevieve," Lady Brixton said. "Having you be with us this summer has been a blessing we never could imagine having before. You make a wonderful lady and it has been our pride to see how well you thrived in this world." She reached out and squeezed Gigi's hand once. Despite her weariness, Gigi responded to the touch with a more genuine smile. "It has warmed my heart to watch your happiness and I could not think of how I would have made it through Alton's passing if you had not been here."

There was a flicker of grief in Lady Brixton's eyes that reminded Gigi of how short the time had been since her uncle's death. Lord Brixton placed a hand on his wife's shoulder and she covered it with her own hand.

"Genevieve," he said, his bass voice make the room still with seriousness. "I know that you have heard rumors of you being our heir." Gigi gave a nod. "Your grandmother told me that she explained that this is true. Since your mother rejected her title, the Estate and all that it entitles could fall to you."

Gigi was a little surprised by his words. "Does that mean that you do not wish for me to inherit."

Her grandmother rushed in. "Of course we do, but we want to officially offer you the title of our heir." She looked at her husband. "We had hoped to be the ones to tell you ourselves but we should have known how Court works and what people would say."

"We are now offering you the title," her grandfather said. "We wish you to stay with us and remain a Lady."

Lady Brixton's eyes sparkled again. "Think of it, Genevieve. You would not have to leave all this behind. I know that this final ball is both exciting and saddening, knowing that it might be the very last. But if you say yes, then it does not have to be so. You could return year after year."

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