Chapter 19 - "I believe this next dance belongs to me."

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On the arm of Davin, Gigi glided through the hallways. Even from two stories up they could hear the music that spilled from the ballroom. The enticing rhythm sent Gigi's heart humming in time, her feet already moving with the beat. The sound was lively and had the feel of two boys chasing after each other. Davin gave no inclination towards the music, his face as bored as ever.

Gigi assumed he had offered to walk her to the ball only on the suggestion of his parents. She didn't mind, it meant that she was on his arm and not on the arm of some posturing noblemen.

They descended the stairs, the clarity of the notes rising to meet them. As they passed through the double doors, they were announced. Gigi wondered if it was just her imagination that half the noblemen's heads turned at the sound of her name. Unintentionally, she tightened her hold on Davin's arm. He glanced at her, his eyes dropped to her hand then to the room before them. He said nothing, seeming to understand without asking. As they walked into the fray, he laid a hand on top of hers, dissuading half of the eager gazes.

Gigi felt the shift and glanced up at Davin. He gave no notice that what he had done mattered. The edge of her lips curled up gratefully. They were rounding the dance floor when they saw Thayer and Everly walking towards them. Gigi felt a reserved smile rise to her lips. The few interactions she had shared with Thayer over the previous days, since her tea with the Queen, had gone better than she could have expected, though they still hit gaps of uncertainty.

As they approached each other, Gigi couldn't help but study the pair. They wore calm expressions but there was nothing more. Though Everly had her hand in Thayer's elbow, there was a distance between them. Upon seeing Davin, something in her face lightened just as Davin's postured straightened ever so slightly. Gigi curtsied as Davin bowed to the Prince.

"Evening, your highness," he said.

Thayer gave a nod, but Davin was already looking to Everly. "Lady Everly, might I have this dance?"

A teasing gleam entered Everly's eyes though her expression remained controlled and reserved. "I was not aware you knew how to dance since I rarely see you do it."

There was a spark of laughter in Davin's eyes, his lips holding back the sound. "Then let me apologize now for stepping on your toes."

Everly pursed her lips trying to contain her own laugh. She turned to Thayer, her composure returning.

"Only if his highness does not object," she said.

Thayer took a step aside and offered up Everly's hand. Davin quickly tucked it around his arm, letting go of Gigi, who was watching curiously through the entire interaction. The couple vanished into the crowd of silken gowns and tailored suits. Thayer watched, his eyebrows furrowed, hands clasped. Gigi looked away and was about to excuse herself when Thayer wiped away his thoughts and twisted to her.

"Lady Genevieve," he said."

"Good evening, your highness."

"I seem to be without a partner, would you care to dance?"

He held his arm as an invitation. Gigi accepted.

"I would be pleased to accept, your highness."

They cut through the watching bystanders, eyes latching onto them while whispers were spoken with tilted heads and behind hands. Nothing of this had any effect on Thayer, his posture and face unchanging. Gigi's eyes darted to him, wondering what a life under so many gazes must be like. To her, the idea of it felt overburdening.

They stepped onto the floor and Thayer wrapped a steady arm around her waist and took her other hand in his. His hand was warm and she felt a hesitance in his hold. But he guided her into the circle of dancers with a confidence that Gigi found she craved. As they moved with the violins and flutes, she forgot the thousand of partners she had before and savored the skill that Thayer danced with. Each step was precisely made without being stiff or strict as if his body had absorbed the rhythm of the music. It was like a kiss, gentle and natural.

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