Chapter 21 - "What do you wish to know?"

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Gigi hurried through the hallways, her mind was a web of thoughts that connected things she had not thought to connect. A need to know a simple fact spurred her feet faster until she was almost running down the corridors.

Finally, she stopped before a set of doors. Her heart hammered inside her chest, wanting to know but wanting to stay ignorant to the truth as the same time. For a long while, she stood there, motionless with indecision. Taking a shaky breath in, she knocked.

The door opened and her grandmother's maid stood there.

"Is there something you need, Lady?" she asked.

"Is my grandmother there?"

"I'm afraid Lady Brixton is not here."

Gigi felt her heart sink. "Do you know where she is?"

The maid nodded. "She is in the East Parlor, having tea with-"

Gigi didn't let the maid finish, already rushing back down the hallway. Her hand hovered above the railing as she moved down the steps. A group of men stood in a circle at the bottom of the staircase, talking. At the sight of her, a few of them looked over, their smiles brightening, all of them sharing the same eager look. A look that Gigi now understood. Now knew the true ugly meaning behind.

Before they could steal her time, she turned and walked away, quickening her pace when one of them called to her. There was a murmur of voices and a set of footsteps tapped out a beat on the tile behind her. She cut into the first hallway she found. When she looked back to see who had decided to follow her, she nearly ran into someone.

"Lady Genevieve," Thayer said, retreating before they could collide.

Gigi staggered to a halt, her face flushed, her eyes burning with a need. Thayer looked startled, then his gaze jumped to the figure that appeared at the other end of the corridor.

"Are you all right, Lady?" he asked.

Gigi nodded and tried to move on, but Thayer stepped into her path.

"Excuse me, your Highness. I simply need to go to the East Parlor," she said, trying to sound calm, her emotions fraying. "I must speak with my grandmother."

The nobleman that had followed Gigi, tried to look unconcerned and turned in a circle as if he planned on inspecting the ceiling the entire time. Thayer looked between the man and Gigi, misreading her look.

"I will walk you there," he said. "I am sure the palace is still a bit confusing to you."

Gigi bristled. "I assure you I know the way."

Thayer gave a nod. "Of course. That is why you are on the main floor and in the North end of the palace."

Gigi's cheeks flared with color, but Thayer didn't look smug. Instead, he gave her an understanding smile and gestured forward. Finding no way to talk herself out of his company, Gigi started moving. Thayer threw a glance back to the nobleman that was now dissuaded from his pursuit.

They walked in silence, Thayer directing their steps up a flight of stairs and through tapestry covered hallways. Gigi barely registered his presence, her mind spinning around and around. Thayer glanced at her, trying to decipher the troubled look on her face. Turning his attention away, he cleared his throat.

"I did not expect to see you so soon," he said. "That book and ledge looked...comfortable." His eyes jumped to her. Gigi frowned as if trying to remember what he was referring to.

"Yes...I...something came up and I realized I needed to speak with my grandmother."

"I see."

Another stretch of silence passed between them.

A Vagabond's Tale [COMPLETED]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα