Chapter 23 - "Is that really true?"

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The flutter of feminine voices filled the parlor and mixed with the sound of clinking china. Late afternoon light fell over the tables of finely dressed women, catching on their earrings and necklaces. Soft laughter wove itself through conversations and among companions. The flowery scent of the gardens entered through the open balcony doors and settled over the room.

Gigi sat upright at her table, her teacup held delicately in her hand. Around her ladies moved and gestured with thoughtless grace. Each action was refined and beautiful as a diamond reflecting light. In comparison, Gigi felt restricted and stiff. She smiled and mimicked the relaxed manner of the ladies, but didn't feel the ease they displayed.

A few tables over, her grandmother sat with the Queen. Even from where she was, Gigi could feel the glances her grandmother sent her way. Silent reminds for Gigi to remember her training. With every look, she felt her shoulders tensing more and more. As the time moved on she found her gaze move towards the balcony, the rich blue sky inviting her out.

"Truly," Lavinia said, "there seems to be fewer noblemen of worth as each festival passes."

She rested back in her chair, the posture natural. Gigi knew if she tried to sit that way it would come off as sullen or rebellious.

"I must agree," Claudia said. "I thought Sir Clay was a man to trust, but we all saw what happened with him."

Gigi tensed at the name and took a sip from her cup, trying to look unconcerned. She felt a few glances drift her way, but she ignored them, focusing on the fruity sweetness of her tea.

"I still believe there are men worth associating with," Everly said, her voice soft but holding a weight of argument.

Voila fixed her violet eyes on Everly, a sweet condescending smile coming to her lips.

"We mean more than the Prince," she said.

Everly returned Viola's gaze with a poised expression. "I was not referring to his Highness."

"Oh? And who might you be speaking of?" Viola said. Though her tone held sincerity and curiosity, there was a look in her eyes that was mocking. A tiny frown cut into Gigi's forehead as she tried to understand the look.

"Lord Davin," Everly said, confidently.

In the blink of an eye, lips pursed with contained laughs and eyes darted to neighbors as if to share hidden jokes. The actions were so subtle and so quick Gigi didn't have time to register them, though she felt a shift.

"Everly," Claudia said, "I do not understand how you can not see that Lord Davin is a buffoon."

Everly gave no reaction to it, she merely turned her gaze to Claudia.

"You fail to see his merits," she said.

"He has no merits," Claudia said. "He hides away in the library and acts nothing like a nobleman should."

"He is smart and cares for others more dearly than he shows."

Claudia smiled, but the look struck Gigi as off somehow. "Everly, you are defending a man who cares nothing for the way of this Court." She waved her hand as if tossing aside the matter. "I will let this conversation go because you are a dear friend."

Everly returned the smile, but it lacked anything resembling friendship. She rose.

"I find the air in here to be a bit stuffy. Excuse me."

Laying her napkin on her chair, she rounded the table and walked out onto the balcony. Claudia let out a sigh.

"I do not see how," she said, "she can be so oblivious to Davin's egregious faults. He is an oaf with no place in this court."

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