Chapter 14 - "Do not lie to me."

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Gigi became accustomed to life at Court, finding her days filled with shopping, teas, riding parties and everything under the sun that nobles thought of. But what she lived for were the balls and the dancing. With each passing day the mannerism, in which she had been taught, became more and more natural. The time she felt truly at ease though, was when she was twirling around the marble floor, in the arms of some nobleman. And the arms of noblemen were something that she was not wanting for.

Each time a ball took place, Gigi found herself making a new acquaintance. All of them wore their version of a charming smile and all eager to capture her attention. She felt giddy with each new face that smiled at her, unaware of the whispers that spoke up as she passed.

Though she found herself dancing with someone new most times, there were some that stayed the same. Clay held the largest bid on her time and managed to slip himself into her daily activities, no matter what they might be. Her hand could be often found in his elbow. His smile was a constant sight and no meal passed without him by her side.

In the absence of Raif, Gigi didn't mind his presence and enjoyed his flirty way. Davin seemed to hover around her at times, but his presence was more of a ghost, wandering, as he never fought for her attention.

It was Clay, Gigi was with five days later. Music poured from the open doors and laughter tumbled out after it. Making some excuse about fresh air, Clay guided her from the ballroom and onto the balcony. The air was deliciously cool and she breathed it in. Clay didn't stop to admire the view from the terrace, instead, he directed them to the grounds.

She made no objections and followed. With a sure step, he led her down a side path and further towards a circle of trees. There was an eagerness in his walk that Gigi found surprising. Energy radiated from him, as his thoughts spurred him forward.

"Where are we going?" she asked, looking up at his clean-cut face.

In answer, he sent her a smile. A smile so full of mischief and secrets that it made her blush to the top of her silk dress. They moved further from the gayety of the party deeper into the dimly lit grounds.

Lanterns popped up every few feet, but beyond that, only the half moon lit their path. The black velvet sky was sprinkled with stars and stray threads of clouds. Gigi felt her heart quicken in anticipation, though she didn't know what she anticipated. Clay eventually stopped before a willow tree, with wispy branches that dropped to brush the ground.

Gigi smiled as she gazed up at it. Slipping her hand free from his elbow, she pushed through. The base of the tree was twice her size in width. The soft grass cushioned her footsteps as she walked forward to touch the towering tree. Moonlight cut through the leaves and set pale blue shadows across the ground.

"Why did you bring me here?" she asked, still studying the rough bark.

When Clay didn't reply, she turned around. He was closer than she expected. Instinctively, she took a step back, the base of the tree blocking her path. His smile was more subdued than before, but there was an unmistakable gleam in his eyes. He moved forward, closing the small gap of distance between them.

"Genevieve," he said, her name slipping from his lips in a quiet breath. The heat of his voice caressed her face and a shiver run down her spine. He placed one hand against the tree, by her head, and brushed her cheek with the fingers of his other.

Gigi felt frozen to the spot. Startled by his gentle touch, she found herself at a loss as to whether to stay or flee. Built on that was confusion on which one she actually wanted. His hazel eyes held her trapped, the energy from before setting a fire in his gaze. Gigi's heart was beating wildly like rabbits.

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