Chapter 24 - "Say nothing."

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Gigi rested her hands on the polished railing, looking down on the ballroom, watching the spinning couples. The vibrant dresses of the women fanned out, making the scene look like a painter mixing colors. The intertwining instruments sang out a lively melody that buoyed the atmosphere of the palace. Lantern flames made hair turn golden and shimmered off of embroidered gowns.

Gigi studied the crowd, her heart hoping to spot the one person who wasn't there. Her gaze briefly landed on her grandparents standing with Davin's parents, talking. When her eyes traveled over the dancers she paused, seeing Everly in Thayer's arms. Her gaze lingered, mesmerized by the elegant couple who attracted all sets of eyes.

"You seem to be missing your train of suitors," a voice said behind her.

Gigi smiled to herself as Davin took up a position beside her. He leaned on the railing, wine glass in hand. His eyes surveyed the scene but his face showed no emotion.

"I found my train of suitors to be tiring and left them behind," Gigi said, still watching the undulating crowd.

"Ah, does this have anything to do with your discovery of their motives?" he asked, looking at her.

Gigi didn't respond and Davin turned his face away. "I'm sorry you didn't know. If I had been aware of this, I would have told you sooner."

"Thank you."

Davin nodded. They returned to looking over the ballroom. Ribbons of conversations floated up to them, the words lost for meaning. Couples and trios passed behind them lost in their own worlds. The music shifted and Gigi felt her heart lift with the boisterous rhythm. She glanced at Davin but he seemed settled. His eyes were glued to two forms below, a cloud of solemn thoughts crossing over his expression. He took a sip of his drink absently.

Gigi said nothing, not wanting to intrude on his thoughts. She debated whether to descend the stairs and allow someone to approach her. Her mind was made up when she heard the tapping of footsteps. Turning, she found a man her own age stopping before her. He had a youth face and quiet brown eyes. He bowed, the gesture respectful instead of haughty.

"Lady Genevieve," he said, his voice gentle. "I would be honored if you would allow me a dance."

The request was put so humbly, Gigi was stunned. Over the past three weeks, she thought she knew how each man would treat her. The man gave her a shy smile, which she felt her lips return.

"I would love to," she said.

He offered his arm and she took it. Davin didn't notice their departure. The man led Gigi down the stairs, his gaze darting towards her every few seconds.

"We met once before, Lady," he said, "but it was when you first arrived in Court. I am Duke Evert."

"I am sorry that I forgot," she said.

He smiled, the look bashful. "It is nothing I fault you for, Lady."

They entered the mass of chatting and drinking men and women. Gigi's appearance caught the attention of former suitors. When they saw her hand was taken their eyes blazed with jealousy. Evert guided her to the center of the ballroom, unaware of the envious looks that were hurled his way.

With a hesitancy that caught Gigi off guard, he slid his hand around her waist and took her hand. Despite his cautious nature, he danced with quiet certainty. As the song went on he pulled Gigi a bit closer, the rhythm of their movements melding together. With the music wrapping her up in its folds Gigi found herself smiling, dashing away the troubled thoughts of the past few days.

The song ended before Gigi wanted it to, comfortable in Evert's hold. From the corner of her eye, she saw movement. A determined face man strode towards them. Evert gave Gigi another shy smile.

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