Chapter 10 - "I am his royal highness's steward, Jayis."

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The ship dipped and Gigi gripped the taut rope even tighter, her stomach dropping to the deck. Waves crashed against the hull, sending water droplets dancing in the air. Sailors scurried about, their heavy boots pounding on the wooden planks. The energy on the ship grew chaotic as they pulled into the harbor.

Before Gigi was a landscape of taverns, tenant houses and store fronts. The scene was dwarfed by the King's palace, set upon a rise. Tall, white marble walls with towers topped by turrets rose into the sky. A smile cut across her face, her lips kissed with salty water. 

The shouts of sailors filled her ears as they docked. The port was a blur of motion as ropes were thrown out, sailors rushed about, and carriages trundled by. Lord and Lady Brixton appeared from below, accompanied by five servants, including Margo. Lady Brixton motioned to Gigi and she joined them.

They descended a heavy wooden gangplank and stepped right into a waiting carriage. Gigi sat close to the window, peering out on the rushing world. The carriage bounced as it rolled over uneven cobblestones. 

Banners lined the streets and flowers hung from window boxes. It was as if the whole city was celebrating the arrival of hundreds of noblemen and women. Pieces of the city got trapped in the carriage. The scent of fresh baked bread, spiced with rosemary. The giggle of maids as they moved about picking up parcels for their ladies. The whiffs of pipe smoke as men conversed along tavern walls.

All too soon, it seemed the city was swept aside and the carriage stopped before a set of gold gates. A high wall encircled the palace. Positioned throughout were guard houses. From her seat, Gigi caught a of glimpse of the fierce eyed men that patrolled the wall. Then the carriage was moving through the entrance.

The beauty of the grounds brought her up short. Sweeping scenes of flowers, overshadowed by wispy trees stretched as far as she could see. As they got closer to the palace, the grounds changed to formed hedges and fountains ringed by stone benches. The sight of it was intoxicating to Gigi and she felt drunk on the splendor of it. The carriage pulled into a lavish courtyard with a fountain at its center and stopped before the palace entrance.

A footman opened the door and offered a hand to Lady Brixton and then to Gigi as she stepped out. Her gaze traveled upward, taking in the grandeur of the palace, its many balconies and tall windows. Gigi seemed frozen to the spot, the realization of where she was fully hitting her. Inadequacy crashed into her and she felt her stomach leave her body. Lady Brixton cleared her throat. The sound was all it took for Gigi to snap herself out of her fears.

She met her grandmother's gaze. Lady Brixton gave her a steady look then took her husband's arm. Gathering the front of her dress, Gigi followed them up the smooth, marble steps. A wide balcony ran the length of the first floor and disappeared around the corner. As they approached the front doors, they were pulled open. A man in a trim steward's uniform stood waiting just beyond. He had a slim frame and a stately manner about him. His hair was graying at the edges though he barely looked past his forties.

He bowed to them. When he rose, he wore a reserved smile.

"Lord and Lady Brixton," he said. "As always it is a pleasure to have you with us."

The man's keen hazel eyes shifted to Gigi. She felt herself straighten under his look. Before he could ask, Lord Brixton spoke.

"Allow me to introduce my granddaughter," he waved a hand to her, "Lady Genevieve."

Stepping forward, the man took her hand and gave a quick bow over it.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady," he said, his eyes taking her in. "I am his royal highness's steward, Jayis. It is an honor to welcome you to the palace."

A Vagabond's Tale [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin