Chapter 13 - "Are you leaving?"

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To Gigi, it felt as if she had barely laid her head on her pillow before she was being roused by the sound of Margo moving around her room. Curtains were pulled open and morning sunlight rushed in to chase away the darkness. She stirred, twisting away from the bright rays. The scent of fresh bread, cheese, eggs, and meat coaxed her from her dreams. With a deep contented sigh, she opened her eyes.

The room before her was painted with white, clear light. The windows were open and the melodies of life came waltzing in. The deep bass murmurs of distant voices. The sweet soprano of birds singing to one another. Gigi soaked it all in, feeling enwrapped in it. Margo finished pulling aside the final set of curtains and walked to the edge of the bed. Her uniform was neat as a pin and her face held a quiet eagerness.

"Morning, Lady," she said. Her voice was controlled but Gigi could see the curiosity burning in her eyes.

Gigi pushed herself up and stretched, feeling the effects of last nights hours of endless dancing.

When she had returned to the palace with Davin, he had surprised her by offering to dance. She was delighted and found him more capable than his bored manner made her assume. Not a second had passed when the song ended before she was carried away in another man's arms. The night had disappeared in a blur of masculine faces and varying levels of dancing technique. The only gentleman that still stood out was Raif. The strength in his hold was a feeling she woke up savoring. As well as the cadence of his voice. The dark shade of gray in his eyes.

Gigi tried to suppress a giddy smile as her thoughts swept her away for a moment. Margo shifted, bring Gigi back to the room.

"Breakfast is ready, Lady," she said.

Gigi tucked away the bubble of excitement at what the coming day would hold, knowing she hoped it held just one thing.

One person.

She pulled aside her blankets and stepped out of the large bed. Margo raised a silk robe and helped Gigi into it. They moved to the table set across the room, with a window overlooking the immaculate grounds. Gigi settled into her seat. When Margo remained standing, Gigi gave her a teasing look.

"Do you plan to remain standing for the duration of my story?" she asked.

"Lady, you know it is not proper for me to-"

"Stars above Margo, I don't care," Gigi laughed, her accent slipping. "Please sit, it would greatly please me if you did."

Margo hesitated for half a beat then took the chair beside Gigi. Though her posture was rigid, her eyes betrayed an inquisitive glimmer.

"Do you want to eat something?" Gigi asked, already serving herself.

Margo's lips twitched at a smile. Gigi's continued blatant disregard for the relationship between servants and ladies sparking her amusement. After Gigi had eaten a portion of the food on her plate, she turned to Margo. Her eyes bright with merriment.

"Now," she said. "Where should I start?" Her eyes went distant as she played over the memories of the night before. When one of them solidified, her gaze snapped into focus and landed on Margo. "I met the royal family."

Margo's attention was instantly captured. "What were they like, Lady? I've always heard things about them but I've never met them."

The question set Gigi off on her story. Details and small encounters were all told with gleaming eyes and quick smiles. Her food was quickly forgotten as she shared all that was filling her to the brim with happiness.

When she talked of Raif and their time together, her voice lowered to a soft, almost mystified tone. Though she smiled, there was a secret hidden inside it. Color dotted her cheeks. Despite the fact that she had told Margo everything she remembered of all the other conversations, she kept Raif's opinion of vagabonds concealed. It felt almost too precious to share alongside the inconsequential things Sir Clay and other men had said to her.

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