Chapter 30 - "Steal me away."

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Thayer's voice had the equal effect of making Gigi's heart soar and a pit to form in the base of her stomach. Raif caught the flashes of emotion before she turned away from him.

When her eyes met Thayer's, she couldn't control anything. All her thoughts and emotions were on full display. In return, he lowered his own calm mask. She saw the same conflicting feelings that were battling it out in her chest.

He bowed and held out a hand. Woodenly, Gigi curtsied and accepted. With a familiarity that made her heart ache, he took her into his arms. Despite the hundreds of eyes watching them, he pulled her closer. Gigi breathed in, filling her nose with the scent of soap and the hint of wine. Eyes were drawn to them, the effect of Gigi's dress and Thayer's cape making them look like two gold ribbons intertwining. Couples spun and twirled around them, but neither of them noticed. They only had thoughts for each other.

Gigi stared into Thayer's brown eyes, memorizing the flecks of gold hidden in the irises. She bottled up the image of his face, the way his eyebrows could easily express doubt as well as amusement. The slope of his nose and how it told a story of a fight long ago in its slight crooked position. His lips. How even seeing them now stirred the memory of him kissing her. How it could make her flush at the thoughts of his hands holding onto her tightly as if she were the only real thing in his world.

Gigi collected all these small aspects of his face and stored them away.

"I never told you before," Thayer said, his voice low. "But your eyes remind me of the ocean, right as the sun is rising."

Gigi felt herself leaning closer to him, wanting to hold onto the deep timbre of his voice.

"Do you often find yourself staring at the sea in the early morning?"

"Yes, it is when I have no one watching me. No one asking anything of me. It is the time feel truly alone."

"My eyes remind you of being alone?"

"No, they remind me of peace. Of freedom." His lips curled in a wry smile, his eyes sad. "I now fear the ocean shall remind me of you."

Gigi's throat tightened, her emotions clawing at her vocal cords, strangling them to say something. Say anything. Make a promise that would keep her in reach even if it meant she would be at arm's length.

Whatever words Gigi would have found were never spoken. The song finished, sending them back into reality.

"Your Highness," a voice said behind Thayer.

Everly looked poised as ever, but there was steel in her eyes when they met Gigi's. It was a silent reminder that the arms around her belonged to someone else.

Thayer took a step back, his face unreadable once more. Taking Gigi's hand, he gave a half bow over it.

"A pleasure dancing with you, my Lady," he said.

Gigi ducked her head. "Likewise, my Prince."

Before Thayer let go, he squeezed her hand just once. The small gesture pulled at Gigi's heart. Swallowing, she turned away, unable to bare his passive face and Everly's accusing gaze. She had barely retreated when Davin appeared before her. The drink had dampened his pain, but Gigi could still see it there, simmering beneath.

"I am to offer you a dance, Lady," he said, sounding weary.

"If that is so then I assume it is required of me to accept."

"Afraid so."

With a carelessness that would have offended any other girl, Davin wrapped a hand around her waist and took her hand. The music had begun again and they fell into the carousel of dancers. Even with a few glasses in him, Davin moved with control. It was a deception to the feelings Gigi sensed rolling off him.

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