Chapter 17 - "Will you marry him?"

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Two days later Gigi stepped out from her dressing room and into the main sitting room. A soft butter yellow afternoon light filled the space with a golden glow. Along with the light came the scent of the sea through the open balcony doors. It was a smell Gigi was familiar with at this point.

Perched on the edge of a wooden chair in the sitting room was Margo. Her head was bent over her hands, which held a small slip of paper. A knowing smile tugged at Gigi's lips. She tucked up a strand of hair and moved further into the room.

"Does it say anything good?" she asked.

Even through the countless times Gigi had carried the love notes back and forth between Margo and Vic, she had never once read one. Startled, Margo jumped up from her seat, closing her hand over the note.

"You have no reason to be embarrassed on my account," Gigi said.

Margo relaxed and carefully folded the note before tucking into a pocket.

"I know, Lady. I was surprised."

As Gigi studied Margo, she mulled over a question. "Will you marry him?"

The question brought a blush to Margo's cheeks as well as a shy smile that spoke volumes. She looked up at Gigi, hope and hesitation brimming in her eyes.

"Yes," she said, but there was a doubt behind the word. "We are waiting...the situation makes it..."

Margo seemed to struggle with her thoughts, her gaze shifting purposefully away from Gigi.

"The situation makes it what?" Gigi asked, tilting her head to be brought back into Margo's line of sight.

Margo conceded to look at Gigi again.

"Vic is waiting to become second in charge in his Lordship's stables before asking Lord Brixton if he can marry me," she said.

Gigi frowned. "Why would my grandfather's approval have any bearing on your relationship?"

Uncomfortable with the topic, Margo fidgeted.

"It means changes in his lordship's estate. We would have to find quarters together and there is the possibility of a child. Our marriage would change my position as well as putting a shift in loyalties on Vic. His mind would be to his family, not his Lordship."

Gigi stared at Margo, surprised by the statement and the restrictions that were held even on a maid and stable hand.

"This is all true?" she said, still trying to grasp the information.

Margo gave a single nod.

"I can talk with my grandfather," Gigi said. "Surely if I ask him to approve then you two could-"

As Gigi spoke, Margo shook her head furiously. "Please, Lady. Do not talk to him. I am honored by your desire to help but this is best left as it is. We do not mind waiting."

"But even if I could convince him-"

Margo step forward and took Gigi's hand, gripping it with desperation. "Lady, we know the course we must take and are fine with it. To change anything might hinder our future marriage. I ask you to keep this to yourself."

Confusion swept over Gigi but she gave a reassuring nod and squeezed Margo's hand in comfort.

"If you wish it, I will do nothing. But let me know if you change your mind. I am sure I could find favor for you with my grandfather."

Margo released Gigi's hand and offered up a tight smile.

"Thank you, Lady. But there is no need."

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