Chapter 8 - "What happened to Jayis?"

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Gigi threw her arms around her cousin. He laughed, the deep, carefree sound ringing in her ears. Taking in a breath, she could smell the scent horses, dirt and wood smoke on him. The smell of home. She pulled away, but held onto his arms staring up in the tanned face, reckless blues eyes and daring smile.

"You miss me?" he asked, the inflection of his words bringing a bright smile to her face.

"Huck..." She laughed, stunned into silence. "You're here!"

"I am. How about that dance?"

He took a step back and looked her over. Something changed in his expression as he took in the elegant gown that showcased newly developed curves. His gaze rose and finally rested on her face. The face that no longer was sun darkened. The hair that was no longer a tangled mess. He retreated another step, the smile faltering.

"Nice dress," he said. 

Gigi's eyes jumped to his own ragged clothes. The shirt was faded and thread bare. The trousers was short and starting to show their age. The contrast between the two of them came into stark light.

Gigi reached for him, feeling a gap widening between them. The weeks of separation lengthened the distance. When she moved forward, he didn't back away but the mischievous look had dimmed.

"Huck, it's still me," Gigi said. "I'm still the same Gigi."

"Your voice is different."

She didn't respond, knowing that it would only prove his point to speak. She felt something grip her heart, at the appraising look in his eyes. Eyes that had only ever looked at her with openness. She opened her mouth, looking for words to prove the truth but nothing came. Her gaze wandered to his chaotic hair and a smile crossed her lips. Without hesitating, she reached out and ran her hands through it, brushing down the tangles. Instantly, Huck swatted away her hands.

"What are you trying to do?" he asked, undoing her work. "Make me a proper nobleman?"

She put her hands on her hips.

"I wouldn't dream it," she said, dropping the polished tones.

Huck laughed, the playful glint skipping back into his eyes. She hugged him again.

"How are you even here?" she asked.

She looked around her room, as if realizing that she was in fact still in the manor. When her eyes dropped to Margo, still laying stunned on the floor, she moved to her.

"Margo," she said.

She helped the terrified maid up. Fighting back a smile, she looked between the disheveled Huck and the shaken Margo.

"Margo, this is my cousin, Huck."

Huck stepped down from the balcony and gave Margo a deep, sweeping, very mocking bow.

"I am honored to meet you," he said, putting on a rough nobleman's accent.

Shaking her head, Gigi gave him a pretend reproving glare.

"He's a scoundrel that should never be trusted," she said.

Crossing his arms, Huck gave her a wide, toothy grin and leaned on the door frame.

"I'm a vagabond after all. There's no other way to describe me."

At the teasing note in his voice, Margo regained a piece of her composure. She looked to Gigi.

"He is really your cousin?" she asked.

"Unfortunately so," Huck and Gigi said at the same time.

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