Part 11

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"Theo?" Liam asked, not raising his voice too loudly, for he knew Theo had supernatural hearing. Chimera perk.

Liam sat himself down on the freshly cut grass, facing an oak tree. "Theo, come out from behind the damn tree." He said quietly, chuckling to himself.

He heard Theo groan, and then some leaves rustle. To his surprise, Theo wasn't behind the tree. No, he was in the tree. Theo landed steadily on his feet, again, only inches away from the beta, though he was quick to take a few steps back.

"What the fuck?" Liam said, a little too loudly, seeing as though the chimera was now stood right next to him. Theo laughed in response, already feeling more comfortable around Liam, despite him ignoring Liam for the past 2 or 3 days. He couldn't remember how long it had been. He didn't care, to be completely honest.

"How did you find me?" Theo asked, sitting down, though he say quite a distance away from the blue eyes he had grown to love. Love. Theo shivered at the thought.

"When you replied to my messages, you turned your location on, it's easy."

"Fuck you, Dunbar." Theo replied, laughing breathlessly as his gaze diverted to the lake ahead of them. He would if he could.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Liam said, his head turning as he takes in what Theo was looking at so dreamily.

Just like you. Theo didn't dare to say it, he couldn't. Theo could only nod in response, trying to calm his heart rate down as much as he could.


"Why'd you do it? Why'd you leave?" Liam said suddenly, after around a minute and a half of silence.

Theo turned to face Liam, and he couldn't stop the scream rising from his throat.

There sat the boy he loved, covered in blood from head to toe.

"You c-could have s-saved me.." Liam was choking now, on his own blood.

"Li?!" Theo had screamed, rushing toward the blonde boy. "Liam?" He had whispered again, catching the beta before his head hit the ground. A tear dropped down his cheek, something that had only happened once or twice before. Emotions. "Stay with me, Liam! Come on!"

To Theo's own surprise, the shape that was once the boy he loved quickly changed into a nightmare he was hoping to forget.

"Tara?" Theo asked, his voice shaking, and now he was holding the alive corpse of his very dead sister.

"Theoooo." It sounded ghostly, and Theo hated it. Another thing to add to the list of things that Theo despises. He knew what happened now, of course he knew. He'd only seen it happen hundreds of times in hell and hundreds of times in his nightmares. Although, Theo had realised a little while ago, when Liam was around, Theo forgot all about the horrors of his sleep and managed to rest peacefully the whole night.

And now that Liam was dead and it was all his fault, his terrors had returned.

"I think you have something of mine, little brother.." Tara's voice echoed and Theo closed his eyes as tight as he could to try and block out the noise. When he opened them again,Theo found himself at the end of the hospital hallway, tears streaming down his face.

"T-tara, listen to m-me," Theo's voice shook, as though he was being electrocuted. Truth is, he was beyond afraid of his dead sister, crawling towards him. "I-I've finally f-found a r-reason to live, a boy I lo-" Theo was cut off abruptly, by a hiss from his sister.

"You don't deserve love! You're a murderer!" She screamed, tracing around the area his, sorry, her, heart was with her finger. She shook her head. "You really believe you deserve it?"

Theo shook his head, dark thoughts filling his head again. "T-take it, Tara. TAKE IT!" He shouted, and the burning sensation of her heart being pulled out of his chest was the last thing he felt. He crumpled to the floor, no longer aware of his surroundings, not realising he had changed. And what hurt the most, was the fact that he couldn't reply. He couldn't say anything to Liam.

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