Part 25

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Liam woke up with an awful headache and Derek's scent all over him. He couldn't remember much. The only thing that he could remember clearly was Theo. How Liam felt that he had basically cheated on him, even if they weren't in a relationship.

"Derek?" Liam groaned, hearing footsteps outside of the bedroom door.

"Nope, just me." Theo's voice was raspy, and it sounded like heaven to Liam. The only thing that upset him, in this moment when admiring all of Theo's beauty was the sadness and disappointment in his tone. It almost felt like Theo was disappointed to be who he is. It made Liam's heart ache.

Liam offered a small smile to the young chimera and lazily patted the spot on the bed next to him, asking him to come and sit, without having to use his voice.

"Heard you got pretty drunk last night," Theo said, avoiding eye contact with Liam the whole, entire time.

"Yea.. I had a lot on my mind." 

Theo sighs dramatically and runs a hand through his hair, as if he wanted to perfect it. You can't perfect the definition of perfection (a/n: that's so confusing pls understand me). 

"Listen, about what I said..." Liam trails off, unsure of what to say. Sure, it was true. But Liam had completely forgotten about the old Theo at this point, and he fell in love with this Theo. His Theo.

Theo shakes his head as Liam cuts himself off. "Don't. I don't want to hear it. Can't we just move on?" Theo asks, his voice shaky and wavery.

Some people might have said that Theo was forgiving people way too quickly, however he knew it was the right decision.The anger was over-taking Liam's rational side during that point in the argument, and so Theo didn't blame him. He had learnt that there was no time in life to hold grudges. He just wished that the pack would learn the same thing too, just the way that Derek and Lydia and Liam had.

He longed for a family that cared for him. Sure, he had his family with Derek, Lydia and Liam, and he was forever grateful for them. He  would never swap them for the world. But he still wished that people would accept him the way that they have. Life isn't fair, though, he supposes.

To the chimera's surprise, Liam nods and  grins at Theo. That smile gave Theo the colour back in his life.


Derek smiled to himself from outside of the door, having listened in and he was extremely proud of Theo for dealing with it all so maturely. There was no doubt that he would still be hurt, but Derek was glad to know that they were on good terms again.

As he turned to leave to go and tell Lydia the exciting news, a pillow hit the back of his head.

"Get out, lurker!" He could hear Theo shout, causing a laugh to be heard from both of the young boy's in the room. Derek walked back to the room and leaned against the door frame, his hands up in surrender, his eyebrow raised and a cheeky smile on his face.

"Love you too," Derek replied, smiling at the two before actually going to tell Lydia the progression in their relationship.


It had been an hour and 17 minutes exactly since Theo had walked into the room that Liam was staying in. They were now relaxing on the bed, Theo sat against the wall with Liam's head in his lap. Theo played with his hair gently, as though he was giving someone a massage.

"You know," Theo said quietly, out of the blue. "I'm gonna be upset about what you said for a while." 

Liam looked up at him, hurt and confusion showing in his eyes. Theo calmed him down by pressing a short and sweet peck to his lips.

"Shh, listen. It's going to upset me because it's true," He managed to whisper, his voice cracking as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Liam was sat up in an instant, his lovers face in the palm of his hands as he used his thumbs to wipe away the tears. "It might have been, but you've changed. You have changed so much more than you could ever know. I always talk good about you to everyone I know, even if they don't believe me. You're a good guy, Theo, and I will get everyone to understand that, if it's the last thing I do." 

They both tear up a little from the speech. So much for hiding emotions.

They smiled brightly at each other, and then Liam pulled Theo in for a tight hug. Theo didn't protest, of course, and they stayed in each other's arms, comforting each of them as they held each other like it was the last time they'd be able to touch.



my cute beans

also my chapters are getting unintentionally longer so enjoy that

I hope you don't think that theo was an idiot for forgiving liam so quickly, he had his reasons and I did try to explain them without giving too many hints away.

shoutout to @-theglue and @A11iykits for commenting and voting on every chapter so far! x 

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