Part 12

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"Theo!" Liam had screamed, rushing to his side as he tore his sight away from the lake in front of them. He had no idea what had happened, what he was supposed to do. And so he did the only thing he could. He howled.

He howled as loudly as he could and his eyes glowed a beautiful gold, and he could only hope that Scott, or Derek, anyone from his pack would find him.

And then, as immature as it may seem, Liam cried. He cried and cried as he held Theo's head in his lap, playing with his hair. He wasn't aware of the tears that landed on Theo's face, or his hands. He just sat there, completely and utterly numb.

He may have been overreacting, just slightly. But Liam had never felt feelings towards anyone more than the things he felt toward Theo. He just didn't. He often compared their relationship to Corey and Mason, or Derek and Stiles. He thought they were similar. Maybe it was love.


It must have been thousands of hours before someone arrived, at least that's what it felt like to Liam. He had no tears left to cry, they were gone. All over his shirt, his hands, Theo's hair.

Scott's was the first voice he recognised. "Hey, Liam? Liam!" Scott had said, quite loudly in fact. Loud enough to shake Liam out of his state.

Liam looked up at his alpha, his eyes red and puffy. He was distracted for a split second, and that's when he felt the weight in bis arms being lifted. He ignored Scott and stood up, looking for who had taken his first love. First love.

Derek. Derek had Theo in his arms, walking towards Stiles' jeep. He let him. As much as Liam wanted to run over to Derek and knock him out just so that he could have Theo back in his arms, Liam trusted Derek. Derek was the only close friend Theo had in the pack, aside from himself. Derek would never let anybody harm Theo.

Only then did Liam realise that the whole pack stood before him, pity in their eyes. He ignored the stares he got from the pack members, directed at his reddened eyes. All he did was shrug, not having the courage to speak, worried that he'd just breakdown.

He turned away and sat down again, watching Scott in the corner of his eye as he nodded at the rest of the people gathered in a circle. They seemed to get the message, and headed towards their cars to go to, where Liam could only assume, Deaton's Clinic.

Scott silently sat beside Liam, not wanting to break the silence yet. He could smell the sadness rolling off of Liam, almost like waves in an ocean. Only now, Scott had realised how much Theo and Liam meant to each other. Who knows, maybe they were even mates.

Scott placed his arms around the beta, to which Liam thankfully fell into, a few tears dripping down his cheeks again. Scott didn't know just how close they were, and didn't want to say anything that might trigger Liam in his current state, for it could be extremely dangerous. And so, all he did was whisper short words of encouragement as the small boy shook in his arms.


After around 10 minutes, Liam untangled himself from the embrace. "We need to go and see him." He said, trying his best to put on his brave face, which Scott had grown to know so well. Scott nodded and pulled himself up, heading towards Derek's black camaro, the keys swinging from his finger.

As they drove off, Scott asked Liam to tell him everything that had ever happened since that first instagram post, almost 3 weeks ago.

And in return, Liam did. Liam told him everything. From the first time they met, the first time they fought together, the first time Liam caught feelings. The story of how Liam found Theo sleeping in his car, the story of the argument they had. He left out the bit about the kiss, of course. And Scott couldn't tell that he was lying, because his hearbeat was so irregular at the moment anyways.

Just before they pulled into the driveway of the clinic, Liam told Scott about what had just happened. He didn't want the rest of the pack to know yet, which is why they hung back whilst Liam finished the story. Scott nodded, still taking it all in as they pushed the doors to the clinic open, all of the pack's heads turning to look at them.

Werewolves were supposed to heal. But if Theo didn't wake up, Liam knew that his heart would never fix.





i promise that in like 3-4 chapters it will get better

also peep that 827 word count, longest chapter yet!

i really hope you dont hate me because of this x

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