Part 39 - Lydia Martin

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dear lyds,

hey there, strawberry.

aw, do ya remember when i came up with that name? i was listening to you and stiles argue over the phone about your hair colour. i think i recall him saying  that  your hair is strawberry blonde, and so that's where it came from. i think it suits you, red.

i prefer red as a nickname though, because i know it annoys you :P

anyways, dont think that any of this is your fault. i know you and i know you're going to blame yourself but you really dont have to. i know that your happier without me, and thats ok, it really is.

i want to say a few things, though.

first of all, keep being you. dont change for anyone, because if they cant accept you for who you are, they arent worth it. you told me that once.

second, stay with allison for as long as you can. the type of love you share for each other is a once in a life time oppurtunity. much like liam and i. but i am no good for him, and so he should use his love on someone esle, someone who deserves it.

third, i know i said stay with allison but i still ship you and derek. you two have a different kind of love and i have a feeling it's going to be one that sticks.

all that's left to say is i love you.

- theo x

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