Part 28

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Theo awoke before Liam, even if it was only 4 in the morning. He had suffered from his usual nightmare, and he didn't want to tell anyone. Theo still believed that he deserved it for being such a horrible person before. Tara made him believe that.

Theo stayed still, though, his thoughts running wild through his head as he tried not to disturb the beta on his chest.

And so all Theo did was look down at the younger boy, marvelling at the fact that he had done himself so well with the beautiful boy in front of him.

He never wanted to let Liam go.


Lydia woke up from her bed, the couch, due to the insane amount of shivering that her body was doing. She contemplated just suffering in the cold, but there were goose bumps all over her skin, and so she decided that she would go and ask Derek for an extra blanket. The loft was always cold, anyways.

She knocked quietly on the ex-alphas door, hoping that he would hear her from the other side of the wall. The door was open in an instant, a concerned but sleepy Derek Hale on the the side of it.

Lydia would be lying if she said that she didn't think Derek looked absolutely adorable right now. His hair was all messy, his sweatpants hanging just below his hips. He rubbed his eyes with little to no energy, a lazy smile on his face as he saw Lydia at the door.

"Hey, Der.." She muttered quietly, unaware of the very awake chimera next door, who secretly had shipped them from the beginning and was focussing his hearing on her conversation.

"Mhm, everything aight, Lyds?" Derek replied, squinting at Lydia through the darkness of the hallway.

"H-have you got an extra blanket..?" She asked, not wanting to seem like a pain in the backside, but her stutter only surprised herself.

"Probably, but I can't be fucked to look for one.." Derek trailed off, and Lydia made a noise that sounded a little like a groan because of her annoyance, but before she could say anything, she saw Derek sitting on his bed. He gently patted the spot beside him.

"Is here okay?" He asked sheepishly, and Lydia nodded, making her way over to her best friend. They laid together, Derek's arms holding Lydia beside him, a grin on the older man's face as he fell asleep. Lydia felt safe and warm.

On the other side of the wall next to their bed, Theo smiled at their progress.


Liam woke at around eight in the morning, four hours after Theo had.

"G'morning, my love," Liam said, quietly placing a gentle kiss on the chimera's cheek.

"Good morning to you, too." Theo had replied, trying to keep his cool as his cheeks tainted themselves a pink colour.

"I'm gonna go make pancakes for everyone, you want some?" Liam asked, quickly unravelling himself from Theo's grasp.

"Hell yeah."


"RISE AND SHINE, LOVE BIRDS!" Theo yelled into Derek's bedroom, earning a groan from the other two in response, to which he chuckled heartily. He was in a much better mood today, despite the night terror he had put himself through in the early hours of the morning. 

"Liam's making pancakes..?" Theo said as more of a question, and Lydia was wiggling out of Theo's strong grasp and rushing to the kitchen. Both of the boys laughed, and Derek sat up, rubbing his eyes. 

"Good sleep, kid?" He asked as he grabbed  random shirt, surprisingly not a black one, ad slipped it over his head. Theo nodded.

"Good, I'm glad to see you happy." Derek said, ruffling Theo's hair as he sleepily began to walk to the kitchen, Theo hot on his tail.

Theo felt at home, though he knew that nothing could stay happy forever. Something bad was bound to happen soon, and he had only been happy for 5 hours. 

That's the price that Theo has to pay to be happy. He gets to be happy for a short amount of time, if he then, afterwards, allowed his world to come crashing down again.




I love them together sm 

honestly this book is getting places, and I cant wait to see what the future will hold for all of us. hopefully there will be many more chapters, I have big plans for where this is going!
ily all

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