Part 34

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Melissa was about to call Liam over the next day. She had a horrible feeling in her chest, almost like she knew that she was doing the wrong thing, but she knew that this was what Theo wanted.

She was surprised to see Scott beside her in the kitchen all of a sudden, and it made her gasp and jump back a little, her thumb hovering above Liam's contact.

"You're really doing this? Breaking Liam's heart.. for him?" Melissa sighed at his questions and rolled his eyes.

"Believe it or not, Scott McCall, I am older than you, which means I can make my own decisions. If you were really listening in properly last night then you would have been able to tell that he's changed." Melissa looked at her son, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. She was upset that Scott didn't realise that Theo had changed sooner.

"You know what? You're right. He has changed, mum, and I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner. I wish I would have just accepted him," Scott sat down on the sofa, pulling his hair. "God, I'm such an idiot!"

A frown appeared on Melissa's face as she placed her phone on the kitchen counter, walking into the living room after Scott.  She crouched in front of him, using her thumb to lift his chin up.

"Listen to me. It isn't your fault, okay? The pack is to blame as much as you are. I can tell that Theo has already forgiven you all, well maybe not Malia, however he just doesn't feel comfortable around you because of all the pain that you caused each other. It isn't your fault."

Scott wiped a tear from his eye as he chuckled at his self-pity. Melissa laughed with him, and the two sat there hand-in-hand, comforting each other for two very different reasons.

"Let me call Liam," Scott said quietly, realising that he could trust Theo, finally speaking up. "It won't be as suspicious."


Liam was unsuspecting when it happened. Theo and him were both there, cuddling on Liam's bed. They were finally back home, at Theo's request. Liam frowned when he asked but eventually agreed.

Theo woke up before Liam, again. He had a nightmare about his sister, Tara, killing Liam. He hoped he never saw the day that his lover died.

He gently shook Liam, waking him up. "I'm making pancakes..?" Theo said, in a whisper, as Liam rubbed his eyes. The younger boy nodded with a smile on his face, and Theo places a kiss on Liam's cheek, leaving the wolf in the bed, alone.

Liam pouted at the sudden lack of warmth, but got out of bed nonetheless. He had such a bed head and was wearing no shirt, but he didn't care and walked downstairs anyway.

"Well well well, if it isn't bloody sleeping beauty," Theo said, turning his attention away from the sizzling pan to look at his lover. His lover that he would be leaving.

In response, Liam only chuckled and wrapped his arms around Theo's waist as the chimera flipped the pancakes.

"You're such a show off!" Liam exclaimed, laughing into Theo's chest.

"You love me for it, though." Was Theo's response, as he let the pancakes slide onto the plate that they would both share. Liam unwrapped himself from around Theo and sat on the counter. He swung his legs like a little kid.

"Nutella?" Theo asked, a grin on his face as he went to get it from the cupboard because he knew that Liam would want it anyway. Theo didn't know why he bothered asking anymore.

Five minutes later, and the two were sat on the sofa, binge watching 'The Vampire Diaries" and eating their pancakes. Liam didn't suspect anything, and boy was Theo a good actor, considering it was only 10 in the morning.


An hour and a half later, Scott McCall texted Liam, saying he wanted to hang out. Which was unusual, Liam thought, but he didn't act on his suspicions. He just hoped it wasn't another supernatural threat. He wanted to spend all of his time with Theo Raeken at the moment.

Theo seemed to understand the text when Liam told him he was going out to see his alpha. He nodded and pulled the wolf in, giving him a long, meaningful kiss. It would only be remembered by Theo, though.

Before Liam left, Theo grabbed his wrist and turned him around, placing a kiss on his forehead. He worked up the courage in this treasured moment and said, shakily;

"I l-love you... P-pretty Blue Eyes," Theo had to stop himself from crying at this point, for he couldn't give anything away.

Liam gasped in shock and looked at Theo with pride, a contagious smile spreading across his cheeks. "O-oh my god... I l-love you too!"

Theo smiled and blushed, kissing Liam one more time, dragging his departure out as much as possible.

Eventually, Liam pulled himself away from the chimera's intoxicating grip and walked out of the door, leaving Theo behind.

Theo watched from the front door, knowing that this was the end.

The end of whatever they had.



well shit
uh pls don't hate me
their relationship is so precious
btw i wrote this on a tram on my broken phone so im sorry for mistakes
yikes to the story though

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