Part 35

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It was 3:26  in the afternoon when Theo had finished packing. He left Liam some things, but he took most of it. He was going to be leaving at 4:30, half an hour before Liam would get home.

The chimera felt a tug at his heart, as if it was telling him that this wasn't the right thing to do. But if your heart is broken into a thousand pieces, which one do you follow?

Theo finished packing up early so that he could write letters for everyone. He wrote for Lydia first, then Derek, and then he even addressed one to the pack, making sure they knew that it wasn't their fault. The last one he wrote was for his lover, his lifeline. The one and only Liam Dunbar. 


Theo finished writing at 4:19 in the evening, and so he decided that he would just post the letters as he drove. It wouldn't take long anyway, there were only three. 

And so, with that in mind, Theo grabbed four different envelopes and placed them on the counter besides his letters. He wrote the names Lydia, Derek, McCall and Liam on each one. But then he realised that he had missed one person. Melissa. Theo thought that she at least deserved a letter.

With his time limit in mind, he hurried to scribble a note for Melissa, and it ended up being short but meaningful. He knew Melissa would understand. 


At 4:25, six minutes later, Theo knew that it was time to leave. Now, he thought that he may have been over exaggerating, but he couldn't carry on seeing everyone so happy, when he wasn't happy himself. 

As his mind set on his task, Theo rushed upstairs, placing the letter on his lover's bed. He then placed his black hoodie and his burgundy top beside it, because he knew that Liam loved them. 

He looked around the room with tears in his eyes, finding it hard to believe he was actually leaving. He made a small smile when he thought of all the memories they had in this room. 4:28. He had to go if he didn't want to be seen.

With one last  look at the room, Theo shut the door and didn't turn back. He argued with himself in his mind, one side telling him that this was wrong, but the other side, the stronger side, telling him that he didn't deserve anyone. I think you can tell which one he ended up listening to.

It was 4:29 when he walked down the stairs. He grabbed his duffel bag, his blanket and a few pillows he had bought earlier on. 

He walked around the house one last time, looking at the spot that they always made pancakes in the kitchen. The place where they cuddled for hours in the living room. The spot in the hallway where Theo had said 'I love you'. And although it may not seem like it, Theo did love Liam with all his heart, which is why he was leaving.

4:31. He had to leave. No doubt that Liam would leave a little earlier than the time Scott had said. 

He grabbed the notes and practically ran to the front door, opening it and looking out into the rain. 

He sighed, and without looking back, Theo left his place of happiness. His home. 

He sat in his truck and cried until 4:41, and that's when he knew he had to leave. With his tears blurring his vision, the chimera drove to the general direction of Derek's loft, though he wasn't sure if he was going the right way because of the rain. It seemed fitting that it was raining when he was so sad.


At exactly 4:47, Theo reached Derek's loft and had to post the letter quickly because if Derek was home, he would be able to catch the boy's scent. Theo didn't even walk up to the front door. 

He jumped out of the car, the rain soaking him as he picked up a stone. He opened the envelope and placed the rock inside of it, and then used all of his strength to throw it through Derek's bedroom window. 

The window smashed, but Theo didn't care. The older werewolf was loaded, he could repair it.

With a look of satisfaction on the chimera's face after realising he achieved his goal, Theo ran back to his truck and blasted the heating to warm himself up. He then turned on the engine and drove to Lydia's house. Only two more stops...


It was 4:55 when Theo arrived at Lydia's drive way. As Lydia wasn't a werewolf, she wouldn't be able to notice Theo and so he turned his car lights off, placing the letter through the letter box. Hopefully she would see it.

Theo frowned as he realised how close he was with Lydia. 


At 5:04, Theo reached the McCall household. He used his hearing to make sure there wasn't any other people in the house, other people also known as Liam, and hastily walked to the front door, his hair falling over his eyes from the rain. He placed his final two letters inside of the house, sliding them through the mail box.

Theo could only hope that Scott would understand.

He didn't feel like being hunted by the most famous pack in America.

Thanks but no thanks.

Theo turned, ran back to his car in the rain. He drove until the tears flooded his vision and he pulled over, on the edge of a forest, to calm himself down. He never expected it to be this hard.

When he calmed down again, Theo turned his engine on with shaky hands.

With his heart falling into a black abyss, Theo drove away from the place he had finally learnt to call home.



well shit 

cue me crying because of the reference 

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