Part 20

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It had been 15 minutes since Scott and Liam went inside Theo's head. The latter of the three was still unconscious, but it was okay, because it was only an anaesthetic. 

Derek, Lydia, Deaton and Stiles sat opposite the trio, waiting for something to happen, not that it did.


Liam was out of breath. So out of breath, he could barely feel the air getting to his lungs. He didn't have time to stop running. If he even stopped to skid past a turn in the corridors, the undead figure with the hole in her chest would near him. 

As a last resort, the black-haired girl now hot on his tail, he pushed through a set of hospital doors. Tara was on his back in an instant and began to laugh manically, as though she were possessed. The last thing Liam remembered was a searing pain in his chest before he blacked out.


Scott waited in the white room, realising eventually that they must be in the hospital, somewhere. He could hear footsteps everywhere, but didn't move. He couldn't break his promise with Liam, he wouldn't. 

He sat on one of the metal tables, one much like Deaton's in the animal clinic, and began to wonder why Theo's mind would take them here. He couldn't figure it out, and so he just tried to keep the tether strong between mind and reality.


When Liam could finally see again, he saw himself and Liam in the woods, that day. That day in the woods. The day in the woods that ruined everything.

Obviously, Liam was there. But only partly. He could see it all, but it was as though he was looking through Theo's eyes.

Boy, was he shocked by what he saw. 

Liam had changed into a bloody figure, and now he was whispering words that obviously upset Theo, because he panicked and his breathing rate began to increase. Liam wanted to move, to comfort him, but he quickly found out that he couldn't move from his spot behind the tree.

He saw Theo with Liam's head in his lap, Theo crying. Liam willed it to be over. He couldn't stand the sight of his lover so sad over him.

His wishes came true when Theo collapsed, and the bloody Liam evaporated into thin air. Unsure of where to go to get out, Liam ran as fast as he could and cannon balled into the lake ahead of him. 

Again, an incredibly bright light hit his vision.


In reality, the four at the clinic were beginning to get worried. Liam was breathing faster, Scott had blood coming out of his mouth, and Theo was just, well, laid there. To say they were worried would be an understatement.

They willed the three of them just to wake up, they couldn't go through almost losing someone again, they wouldn't be able to manage. 


When Liam was able to open his eyes without being blinded, he was strapped down onto a metal table. At first he thought he was back at the clinic, but then an incessant clicking noise struck his ears. 

In the distance, he could hear roars, much like a werewolf, but they were almost foggy. He couldn't move and was petrified. 

That was the moment he knew that he was with the dread doctors. 

The light above his head was covered by a mechanical figure, the surgeon.

A piercing scream erupted from Liam's mouth and his eyes glowed gold as the doctor ripped through his skin with a blade.

Liam thought he was going to die. 

But before any of that could happen, the doctor was struck down by their own ally. Theo. 

"Stay with me Liam, stay with me!" Theo shouted, applying pressure to the wound. 

Liam gave this Theo a tired smile, and his eyes began to close. 

The light met him again. 


This time, the light took Liam back to reality and he opened his eyes, gasps escaping his lips. He was desperate for air and before he knew it, both Derek and Lydia were squeezing him tight in a bear hug, as did Scott and Stiles on the other side of the room.

Liam wasn't paying attention to the talking. He just stared at the unconscious chimera in front of him, the last words he heard whilst in Theo's head whirling around his mind. 

"I loved, and I loved, and I lost you. So I loved, and I loved, and I lost you."



my emotions 

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