Part 23

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To say Derek and Lydia were shocked would be an understatement. They had never expected Liam to do this. And even Derek heard Liam tell Theo that he loved him, why lie about it when no one could hear him? It was all just such a mess.

"I have the conversation on my voice notes." Theo mumbled, having spent the last 4 hours cuddling with his two best friends. He opened the app and chucked the phone at the two on the couch, standing up. He held onto the blanket at his chest, keeping it draped around his shoulders.

"I'm gonna go sleep in the guest room," He spoke a little louder this time. The guest room was a dangerous place, it would just be him and his thoughts for at least 8 hours. It would probably be a night of no sleep for the young chimera. 

Derek and Lydia nodded, and they said their goodnights to Theo. Once they were certain Theo was upstairs and not listening in, they played the recording.

"You what? Went inside my head?" That was Theo, for sure.

"We just wanted to see what had happened!"  This time, it was Liam.

"You know that I don't like showing people everything about me, Liam!" 

"Well I'm bloody well sorry that I tried to save your life! I'll just leave you to die next time, you deserve it! You are a murderer, after all!" 

You could tell the two boy's were breathing heavily from the recording, and it sounded as though one of them was crying.

"So that's how you feel about me?"

"No, Theo, that's not what I-" 

"Sure it's what you meant, you have this annoying tendency to lie to people's faces, so how could I trust you now?"

"So what if I thought it was true? The only other person that actually cares for you is Derek. You can't lose me." 

That was the last thing the two super-naturals heard before the recording ended.

Neither of the two said anything for a little while. They were both thinking of the same situation, but the factors they were pondering upon were very different. And so, they sat their in silence.

On one side, was Derek. He was beyond mad at Liam for going off at Theo like that. Theo was like a brother to Derek, and although Liam was too, Derek and Theo were closer and he hated seeing Theo so upset over someone who broke his trust. Derek sat in a pile of his own anger, debating whether to go and give Liam a piece of his mind or keep his cool.

Lydia, on the other hand, was thinking about Theo. About how she understood how difficult it must be for him. Of course, he had had a horrible experience with the dread doctors, let alone the pack itself. Theo had once told her that he suffered from horrible social anxiety and trust issues. Lydia didn't blame him after all that he's been through, though. And so, even though the chimera got very angry at something so little, she could see where he was coming from. He obviously had battles and secrets of his own that he wasn't ready to tell people yet and Lydia completely understood that. Everyone has their battle scars.

On the topic of privacy, however, Liam had never actually told anyone about what had happened whilst he was in Theo's head. She determined that he would probably need to talk to someone who wouldn't judge him right now, and that person would be her. Derek was probably beyond angry at him for hurting his best friend, and the pack never liked Theo enough to listen to Liam when he talked about Theo anyway.


Up in the bedroom, Theo was laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. After the dread doctors, he had spent years building his walls around him and closing people out. 

And in the space of 0.2 seconds, Theo realised something. 

His walls were too weak, and it only took one person to break them. 

The person he loved.


Both of the adults turned to each other and spoke at the same time.

"I think I should go and see Liam, offer him support for everything."

"I think we should be here for Theo and then go and see what the fuck Liam's problem is." 

The two looked at each other, a slight frown on both their faces.

And then they burst out laughing. They had no idea what was so funny, but laughing like this was rare nowadays and it was a great distraction from what was going on around them. They fell into each other, tears of happiness forming at their eyes.

Maybe everything would be okay for them. 


But the chimera's problem would not just go away by laughing it off. No, it was too deep.

If you were to twist Kira's sword into his chest, it would be the equivalent to the pain he was feeling right now. Theo hated feeling so vulnerable.

And now there was nothing he could do about it. The damage was done, and it was done beyond repair. 



ok so hopefully that cleared up some shit as to why theo reacted so much to liam going into his head.

is it just me who low key kind of ship derek & Lydia in this book? just me? ok

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