Part 51

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When Theo awoke, he thought he was reliving a nightmare.

There he was, strapped to a table in a metal room. He shivered as a group of people came to mind; the Dread Doctors.

The doctors had practically ruined his life and all of his friendships. They were the three people that Theo actually enjoyed killing. Everyone else didn't deserve it. 

This lay out reminded him of his heart operation, when he was only nine years old. Only this time, he wasn't here to be saved, he was here to be tortured by hunters. How fucking great.

Theo sighed, and then began struggling against the restraints on his wrists. He frowned as they didn't move. The chimera should have been able to break through the cuffs, they were only leather. So why couldn't he?

A figure moved around in the dark of the shadows. "Wolbane, my dear. The more you try to get out, the more wolsbane is put into your bloodstream. I would calm down if I were you."

The figure pointed to a spot just above Theo's head, and when Theo managed to muster the strength to turn his head, he sighed at the bag of wolfsbane hanging above him, a tube connecting his arm to the bag of plant."

"You see," The voice spoke. "I know normal wolfsbane can't hurt people like you, and so I altered it. Consider it... a mixture of yellow wolfsbane and mercury."

Theo growled as the figure stepped forward, only to reveal the person he already knew it was. Monroe.

"I hate you," Theo spat at her, a disgusted look across his face.

Monroe ignored his statement and chuckled. "You are wonderful, you know that? Not human, not supernatural. A true chimera. Except... you're not really true, are you?"

"For your information, I was the first chimera, so shut the fuck up. You don't know shit about me."

"Oh wow, fiesty, I like it." Monroe giggled and it made Theo want to throw up.

"I want to know everything about you." She said, a stern expression crossing her features.

Theo let his head drop back onto the table that he was on, and shook his head as he tried to gain some energy.

"I'm not telling you fuck all." 


Theo's eyes turned gold as Monroe hit the bullet wound in his stomach. It still hadn't completely healed because of all the wolfsbane being injected into his body.

His fangs protruded from his teeth as pain took over his body.

"You bitch!" He shouted at Monroe, who was cackling hysterically. If fairytale witches existed, they'd look like that.

Theo heaved on the table, needing to get his breath back from what was just knocked out of him. 

Monroe took this as a chance to rile him up. 

"So, who's Hope, hm? Why does she call you dad?" 

Theo rolled his eyes aggressively, spitting blood at the lady who was trying to ruin his life.

"I wonder if she even made it out alive... Maybe the wolve's got to her?"

Theo chuckled sadistically, for Monroe did not know anything about his life.

"You think you have me all worked out, don't you? Well news flash, you're an idiot," Theo wheezed, trying to keep his act up for as long as he could.

Monroe frowned in response, confused. 

"Wolfsbane doesn't work on experiments," And although there was also mercury in the mixture, Dr Deaton had given him a pack of pills that stopped the effects of mercury on chimeras. 

"I may be man-made, but my creators sure as hell made sure I don't have many faults. That was your first mistake."


It all happened too quickly for the hunters. They clearly weren't used to this kind of speed. 

Theo used his claws to cut through the leather whilst the hunter's talked about what on earth Theo could possibly going on about. Once both hands were free, he chuckled lightly to himself, sitting forward and unbuckling his feet from the table.

"How much do you guys really know about the supernatural, huh?" Theo spoke out, silence echoing in the room as everyone's heads slowly turned toward them. "I bet it's not that much."

Monroe frowned as she stepped forward, trying not to show how afraid she was. 

"I can sense the chemosignals, ya know. I know that you're all scared. But for what? I'm not the monster here, you are. You stereotype against wolves, even if they're innocent. Not every born wolf has the choice of being supernatural! Why would you punish them for something they have no control over?" Theo was stood up now, walking slowly around the room as everyone just watched in awe.

"And then you go after the McCall pack. You guys have made sure that hundreds of human live's have been lost. But for what, a pack?"

Realisation hit Theo half way through his speech, and it was clear on his face. He let out a small chuckle as he span in a circle, looking at everyone.

"You want them... because you're scared? They have so many different specied in their pack that it should be impossible for them to all get along. They're defying the rules of nature, and so you want them dead. No wonder you haven't killed them yet." 

Theo turned to Monroe, a smirk on his face. "Tell me the different people in Scott's pack. If you can name four species, I'll not kill you. How does that sound?"

Her face was shaky as she spoke. "A true alpha... a b-born wolf, a werecoyote and..." She trailed off, deep in thought.

Theo cocked his head to the side eagerly, shifting on his feet.

Just as Monroe was about to speak, he silenced her with the lift of his hand.

"Sorry, you're times up." 

Monroe was on the ground with her throat beside her in a matter of seconds.



im at war between whether i prefer soft theo (when he's with hope or liam) or rational but crazy theo (when he lowkey is a badass and kills people to protect others, aka this chapter)

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