Part 27

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The first thing that he noticed was the feeling of gashes on the bed. He ran his hands over the mattress, not wanting to open his eyes yet, in case he was somewhere he didn't want to be. He could catch the scent of anger and fear in the air around him, but he didn't question it due to the horrible things that he had endured and envisioned in his rest.

It took a while for him to open his eyes. But when he did, he was alone. He had been alone his whole life and all of the sadness came rushing back to him in waves, as if he was back in the position he was in 6 months ago, friendless and untrustworthy.

The first thing that he noticed was the bed. It was ripped to shreds. It was as though someone had locked a dog in the room and it had been using the bed as a bone. 

He then noticed the tiny pieces of glass on the floor, and so he determined that he wouldn't stand up, simply because getting glass stuck in your foot hurts. He has a past experience.

And so, he just laid there, thinking about his nightmare all over again and what he would do if it were to be true. He answered his own question, though, for soon, his body was shaking as he sobbed as quietly as possible. 

Theo cried alone.


The movie had just ended when Derek's wolf perked up. His eyebrows knitted together for a second as he became confused, but he quickly focussed his hearing on the environment around him and heard something.

"He's awake," Derek muttered, more to himself than anyone else. He didn't intend for Liam to hear his statement, but of course, the younger beta did. He was up and running to the bedroom faster than Derek could have clicked his fingers, but he soon caught up with what was happening.

He grabbed a sleepy Lydia's wrist, gently entwining their fingers as he guided Lydia to the bedroom hastily.

Neither of the two super-naturals wanted to talk about the tingling they had felt when they were touching, because neither of them knew how the other person was feeling. Lydia had more pride than she could swallow and therefore did not want to be rejected, and Derek, was, well, he was Derek.

He wouldn't be able to carry the guilt of hurting Stiles, the spaz of a boy that he had grown to love. He couldn't, Derek refused. 

The ex-alpha rolled his eyes mentally, at emotions in general, and then out on a brave face and continued to lead the half-asleep banshee into the room.

Derek's heart melted.


Liam had a sobbing Theo in his arms, and his hands gently ran through Theo's hair. It gave the four of them a weird sense of dejavu. 

Lydia and Derek looked at each other with a nod, and then pulled Theo into a sitting position. The two young boys pouted at the loss of warmth, but their sad faces quickly turned into smiles as the two adults jumped on them, engulfing them both in a tight hug. 

"Group hug," Lydia had said happily, burying her face into Derek's neck, unintentionally. They both ignored the feeling.

"I love you guys," Derek whispered, after the four of them had calmed down. "More than anything in this world." 

"We love you too!" The other three replied, making Theo's heart warm. He wasn't alone. He was an idiot to think that he was. He was just paranoid.

The two young boys looked up at each other, still wrapped up in the group hug. Theo leant across Lydia's back and met Liam's lips. They locked themselves into the kissing session, unaware of Derek and Lydia.

The older two of the four gagged together and then unwound themselves from the 'hug', quickly leaving the room and shutting the door, because their eyes were scarred.


"I think I love you," Liam whispered into the darkness as they laid on the new mattress.

Theo was silent for a moment, and Liam's heart was racing. But then he got it. No one had ever shown Theo the affection that he had, and Theo probably needed to process it all.

Theo wanted to say it back, he really did. But his mouth refused to move.

"I-I t-think..." Theo started, only for his lips to be met with a single finger, one that belonged to Liam.

"Shh," He said, soothingly. "I know." 

The two fell asleep with Liam's head on Theo's chest.



I need advice

do y'all think they're moving too fast bc idk 

hear my logic though:

they've known each other for over a year now and they both had feelings for each other, they were both just scared of rejection, much like Lydia and Derek's situation, which I will also talk about. It's been 3 months since their first fight, they haven't had a serious one like that in ages. That means they've been acting like a couple for over 3 months now, and that could have been longer, probably closer to a year, if they admitted their feelings at the beginning. Ya get me?

also we love knowing about different relationships and thoughts (derek and Lydia sksksk) but like they'd be so cute together but I love sterek and allydia uGH

what do y'all think Theo's dream was about?

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