The Deadly Existence

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Bones ached against sharp, painfully cold tiles. The color of the tiles wasn't fully distinguishable even if the single light fixture in the room was switched on. Its dull, laughable illumination only revealed that there were tiles on the floor of the room and that cement walls created the perimeter. Dirt caked itself on the tiles, and little chips scraped against flesh if too much movement occurred. But, the chips didn't give anymore than that; they couldn't be used as a lethal weapon, and infection was out of the way since so many cuts had been administered by them already. Nothing had happened from those wounds, and the receiver of them still had some will to live; the receiver had hope remaining, but it was getting harder and harder to hold onto it.

A groan echoed in the dark room since the light wasn't turned on presently. The occupant rolled onto her stomach and rested the side of her head on her left forearm. Her toes curled and picked up dirt in the process. Little cuts decorated her body from her rough, uncomfortable sleep. She didn't lift up her head, however, as she didn't have the energy or desire to. Besides, nothing pleasant would greet her if she did. Only darkness would welcome her eyes, and the darkness hid something dreadful.

Just the thought of him sent chills through her body, and her mind nearly shut itself off from their last sessions together. It didn't wish to recall them; it didn't want to submit itself to that agony again. Her body followed suit and twitched at the mere thought of those things occurring once more. What had happened in the past ... with Ether ... that was a ... luxury. Having such a thought caused her stomach to flip into awful knots, but it was the truth. The past had been like the most pleasant dream she could think of while she was, currently, in the body-crushing hold of torturous nightmares.

Even now during her break from him, she was on constant alert. Relaxation didn't exist since she never could tell when he would come back. Sometimes, it seemed like hours or days. At others, it felt like only a couple of minutes. He had started that method as soon as she woke up in the bone-chilling pit she was in. Back then, she had known immediately that she was in an abandoned subway somewhere, but that no longer mattered. To her, it simply had become her prison.

In the course of a week, he had broken her through sadistic teasing and constant, yet unpredicted abuse. One day, he only had administered a light treatment of physical pain: a shallow knife wound across each arm. Then, he had left her in the darkness with her wrists bound in old electrical cables. The slow drip of her blood, though, had been terrifying in the lack of light, especially when the smell of rot and more blood had entered her nose a little while later. Only when he had come back and switched on the light had she seen the decaying head in the far right corner of the room.

Memories of Laura had stormed through her mind as he had left her in the room with the light on. And, the light switch was in a sealed box that he had to unlock, so she couldn't go back into darkness to avoid viewing the head. After awhile, she had begun to picture Laura's head there, and the hallucinations that had followed had been ... sickening and lasting. Even as she recalled that day, her body curled up as more broken chips poked at her skin.

On other days, he had lashed out insults at her and told her of all of her wrongdoings with Ether. How Ether had been so kind to her, and she had taken advantage of him at every turn. Some days had been filled with physical torture that had left her bruised and bloodied. Scars and healing wounds still covered her at the present moment. Whenever she saw herself in a bathroom mirror, she found that she couldn't look after awhile. Shame, disgust and fear always would glare back.

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