The Irate Blockade

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


There was another loud slam against metal, and the older creature practically growled at his restraints. The younger had his hands securing Callest's neck and right wrist to the elevator, but Callest kept his left nails in Ether's midsection. "You idiot! Are you really going to let yourself fall this far?! Helping not only her but also all of them!" Callest tried to break free, but Ether pressed his hands in more. His left nails stabbed into the metal doors of the elevator, pinning Callest's right wrist all the more into the metal, and his right hand tightened more against his neck; though, that barely restrained the elder's airway.

"You're the idiot; you didn't even notice two humans jumping you until it was too late!" Ether mocked back, a bit of blood escaping from his lips in the process. He coughed it up on Callest's dark blue button-up, and more came out when Callest started to move his nails up into Ether.

No response left Callest, but it was clear that his anger was rising. "You're really making it hard not to kill you." His nails were approaching Ether's ribs. "I just wanted to ..." Ether tightened his hold more. "... Punish you." Callest's neck snapped, but his nails continued traveling up. Knowing that he didn't have enough time, Ether reluctantly released his hold and pushed his hands against Callest's chest. He shoved himself off of the elder's nails and took several steps back as his wounds began to heal.

Neck repairing itself, Callest briefly glanced out the windows. He couldn't see them yet. They were still on the stairs. His eyes snapped in that direction, and he charged towards the stairs. Ether, well aware of the elder's goal, went straight for him. At the last moment, however, Callest veered towards the windows. Curse words streamed from Ether's mouth before he ended up growling in the process. There was no way he was going to let him get to his pink flower.

Before Callest could leap out of the window, Ether tackled him to the floor. The two tumbled across the cement flooring before Ether pinned Callest to the ground. A displeased grin fell on Callest's lips. "Pathetic. Protecting her like this." Cement crumbled around the elder's wrists as the younger forced them into the flooring. "You're so focused on her that you left yourself wide open." With no hesitation, Callest tilted his head right and clamped his teeth around Ether's left wrist.

Eyes lighting with rage and slight panic, Ether released Callest's left wrist and punched him straight in the head. Bone cracked, but it wasn't hard enough to knock him out, and Ether couldn't have made it stronger since Callest brought his left hand up and tore through part of the younger's right upper arm; however, Ether had his left wrist back. The bone could be seen, but the skin quickly was repairing itself.

Getting off of Callest, Ether created some distance while his wrist and arm healed. Callest rubbed his head a bit before his skull fixed itself. "I saw the setup you had at that woman's place. A morgue with corpses, just waiting to be eaten." He grinned, but it was disgusted. "Perfect but also vile. They're keeping food for you as though you're some pet waiting for its food dish to be refilled." His eyes narrowed. "You're letting them turn you into some soft excuse of our kind."

"If I was so soft, I would be dead right now. I'm just as strong as you." Ether rubbed his left nails together. "And, I'm not their pet. I made a deal with them. I get a constant supply of food and a nice home while they get to keep their lives."

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