The Near Acquaintance

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Outside, tall pines faded by and new ones appeared. The scenery was fairly consistent with the exception of a car every now and then. There were no street lights on the road, and the headlights were the only things guiding them along the straight road that occasionally would curve. With time, however, even the other cars on the road dwindled down to very few, but that fact benefited them. If fewer people were out, there was less of a chance of there being people out at a truck stop. At least, they hoped that to be the case; though, truckers did often stay up late into the evening for their work depending on their schedules.

As Nick drove down the road, however, those awake in the car, Nick, Deidre, (d/n) and Ether, noticed a sign for a diner ten miles from them. They had seen other restaurants and truck stops along the way, but they didn't want to steal the semi too soon. The later the better, but they didn't want to wait too long either. Otherwise, they might have to backtrack, which might lead them to stealing a truck during the day. If they could, they wished to avoid that option. With that in mind, the upcoming diner might be their best shot.

Focusing his attention on (f/n), Ether's right fingers brushed back a few strands of her (h/c) hair before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the left side of her head. She shifted a bit on his lap since she had fallen asleep there again, which he didn't mind in the slightest. Gradually, her eyes opened, and she lifted her head up to look at him. "... Are w-we there?" she asked groggily as she rubbed her eyes in the process. His heart practically skipped a beat at how adorable she was in that moment.

"The factory?" She gave a hesitant nod. "No." Visibly, he saw her relax to a degree. "But, we're coming up towards a diner." That woke her up a little more, and she sat up on the seat while she wrapped the blanket around her. "We'll probably stop there if there's a semi available."

"Will it be fine getting one when we're still about six hours away?" she questioned, wondering how long it would take anyone to notice the missing truck.

"It should be as long as we don't stop. Will you be alright with that?"

(F/n) nodded, hugging the blanket to her more. "Yeah, who knows when we'll see another diner or truck stop after this one? So, it'll be better now than later. Besides," she looked over and up towards him, "there's not going to be much once we get past the next town on the map. From there, it's all country with maybe only a gas station or two around, right?"

"Yeah, and the gas stations based on this mapping system," he pulled out Deidre's phone, which he was borrowing, and clicked the button to switch the screen on, "only are small ones that aren't equipped for trucks. Probably because no business really needs to go through that area anymore."

"Will we have enough gas, then, for the whole trip?"

"Depends on what the original driver of the truck filled the tank up with." Ether sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. "Hopefully, they were responsible and didn't let the truck run almost on an empty tank. But if need be, we'll see if we can pick up some gas at the diner. It might have a gas station."

Moving his attention on the back of Nick's chair, he continued, "If the truck is low on gas and there's a station at the diner, the driver most likely will be filling it up ... hopefully." His eyes moved around Nick to the fuel meter on the car. "But, we should fill up. If this is our last stop, we want to make sure that the car has plenty of gas. Otherwise, all of you might not be able to drive far while I'm handling the other creature."

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