The Gloomy Scent

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


When he had reached the subway entrance, he had noted how some of the tree roots had been sliced in order to head inside easier. The roots had been thick, and the cuts had been clean. Such a discovery led him further to believe that Callest and his pink flower were down there. There remained the possibility that some animal had sliced the roots, but the creature had a sinking suspicion that wasn't the case. It was a gut feeling, but he had to rely on that; he didn't want to return to (f/n)'s parents' house empty-handed. That would crush him, and he might fall back into the emotional turmoil he felt previously even though he knew that he couldn't succumb to that again.

As soon as he had entered the subway, though, the strong smell of flesh and blood met his nostrils. Thankfully, it didn't belong to (f/n). In fact, he couldn't detect her scent given how powerful the scent was. Back in Cankferfell, he had kept bodies in one location or had locked them in a particular room or piece of furniture so that they wouldn't overpower the entire tunnels. Callest, obviously, didn't find that important, or Callest was using the individual's smell as a way to lure him away from (f/n). That wouldn't make entire sense, however, since Callest had given him a direct challenge. Find us. No doubt, he would, but he worried about Callest mentioning a "finishing move" that could potentially kill his little helper.

He wouldn't let Callest kill her, but there was the matter of him acting fast enough. Both of them had the same speed, strength and qualities that gave their species such an edge over humans, so he couldn't just race forward and slam Callest's head into the wall, which would kill a human instantly if he applied enough force behind the slam. The thought of Callest wounding (f/n) more, though, caused him to release a low giggle that almost became a growl. He desired so badly to rip Callest apart piece by piece until he was nothing but a pile of shredded flesh.

Stepping further into the subway, he recognized that the overpowering scent was coming from his left, so he looked towards the path straight ahead of him. Callest, again, might be trying to trick him, and the left path was the proper one, but the creature couldn't get himself stuck in a loop of thinking; he had to make a decision to free (f/n) swifter. Up ahead, though, all he could see was ruined walls and floors, which were covered in dirt, dust, spider webs and old debris. Above him, there was an air shaft, but he didn't hear any movement from inside it.

His nose twitched a bit attempt to detect other scents in the subway, mainly Callest and (f/n)'s. If he couldn't smell either of theirs, he wanted to find any clues that might point to them being in the subway or having been in the underground transportation system. So far, nothing greeted him, and he rubbed his nose a few times to see if that would help. He only had been in the subway for a few minutes, but he already felt that time to be too long; it seemed like he was moving at the pace of a snail, and it was frustrating him to no end. Almost, he was tempted to scream for (f/n) as though she would answer him.

The saddening truth of the matter, though, was that she most likely wouldn't respond. One, she might be too injured too, and his chest clenched at the likely idea. Or, she might refuse to respond to him because she still hates him even if he knew that a part of her didn't. A third option, one that was unlikely, unpleasant and angering, related the possibility that perhaps she grew to tolerate Callest more than him. All along, Callest might've been wrong about harming her. Rather, Callest was trying to foster her feelings for him so that she would no longer be connected to her partner, her victim. If that happened ... He didn't want to think more on the possibility. It caused his hands to clench, and his nails to stab through his own skin. But if he did discover that as being the truth, Callest would be turned into something worse than a pile, something that not even an animal could sh*t out if it desired to.

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