The Soft Traveling

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"Again, does everyone have the blueprints memorized?" Nick questioned in a quieter voice. He didn't want them talking loud either around or in the subway tunnels. Everyone nodded their heads, and he took a moment before he nodded back in response. The eldest male of the group doubted that his teammates were lying to him since they knew how serious he took such matters, but he did like to double check and make sure that no one was holding out on him. It was crucial for their survival.

"And, remember," his brown optics met each of their gazes one by one, "don't separate from the group at all. The only time that happens is if it's absolutely necessary to do so." He focused in on Chris. "You have the main blueprints; don't lose them." She gave a firm nod. "If there are changes to the tunnels down there, we'll need to mark where they are on that map so that we don't get confused if things get out of hand down there." A slightly frustrated sigh parted from him. "I wish that we could've made copies so that all of us could have them, but the archive office wouldn't allow it. We only can borrow them."

Nick reached into his grey backpack and pulled out sticky notes and pencils. "We each have a set of these in our backpacks. Make notes about changes in the tunnels where you see them, and we'll add the structural changes to the blueprints." He placed the items back into his pack, and he would've gone over all of the information in the room, but he wanted to remind everyone closer to the area in case anyone wanted to back out at the last moment; he didn't wish for any of his teammates to feel pressured about the case. "There are also notepads to take notes on about what we see and find, but I don't want you getting too distracted by taking notes to put yourself in danger."

Briefly, his eyes glanced to the stairway under the tree roots before he stared back to all of them. "We don't know what we're exactly dealing with here, and we need to be on alert even when we're taking notes. We'll also be setting up night vision cameras down there to record the area while we're away. Each of us has one." Nick averted his eyes momentarily to Ren and Chris before he focused on all of his teammates. "We'll be placing the cameras in the spots where the murderer died and where some of the suicide victims killed themselves. Those probably will be the most active areas if we're dealing with the ghosts of them." Uncertainty did enter his strict stare. "But, the stolen objects ... Well, we still don't know what to make about them."

"Sorry that I couldn't find more on them," Chris mentioned, breaking her gaze from him and staring down to her black combat boots.

Shaking his head, Nick responded, "It's not your fault, Chris." Ren held a similar expression. "Or, yours, Ren." He gave them both a reassuring smile. "Besides the basic info on the items, the rest of it was made secret. That probably was because they didn't want people searching for Ms. Clarence and this being just to take her jewelry and lockbox. With our lack of information on the subject, it just means that we need to be more cautious down there."

Giving them all one last glance over, he inspected to see if anyone actually did want to wish to head back to the hotel room, but no one budged. He gave a firm nod. "Okay, only one of us will have a flashlight on at a time to conserve battery power, and we're staying close together. Everyone keep your ears open and tell the rest of us to stop if you hear something suspicious." Nick moved his attention to Ren. "You'll be in the back, and I want you to have your flashlight on. That way if you need to check behind us, you can, and we won't have to switch flashlights or have multiple on at once." The male's brown eyes switched over to Chris. "You'll be standing to his left so that you still can see the blueprints well enough down there."

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