The Tight Gears

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

"Now once I teach you first gear, you're going to follow the steps for the following gears on the low range setting. I'll teach you the high range once you're through them." Ether nodded, and Vincent took that as a signal to continue. "When you're in ideal rpm range, depress the clutch and switch the splitter back to L. You'll move the shifter into neutral position. Remember where that is?" Once more, the creature nodded, and Vincent didn't move on until Ether showed him what neutral meant. When he confirmed the position, Vincent nodded and moved to the next step. "You'll release the clutch before you push it back in all the way and shift into first. Remember to follow the diagram on the shifter to do this. The reason why you have to do the extra clutch work is because the splitter won't change when you're in neutral, so you have to move it first before you go into neutral, then move the shifter to the proper gear."

Pointing to the gas pedal, Vincent added, "Also, remember to accelerate the car as you're shifting into higher gears. The higher gear the faster you'll need to be going essentially. Just don't go too fast since this is your first time driving this. I know you have somewhere to be, but drive slow if you need time to think through what to do next when shifting." Vincent met the creature's eyes, and it was relieving to see no murderous intent in his gaze. "None of this will matter if you crash and don't get to your destination."

Almost, Ether giggled since he was going to need to crash the truck, and with how complicated driving the vehicle was, it should be easy to have Callest believe that a crash was reasonable. Besides, Ether doubted that Callest knew how to drive a semi, so there was no way for Callest to assume that Ether couldn't drive the vehicle without being taught first. Still, Ether was glad to have the teaching session since he had a feeling the plan would've evaporated into thin air had he just tried to attempt and drive the vehicle on his own. "I understand. I'll take it slow."

"Good. Then, the steps that I just taught you for first apply to 1-H, 2-L, 2-H, 3-L, 3-H, 4-L and 4-H. Also when you're switching between L and H for each of the gears, release the accelerator as you're pushing in the clutch and letting go of it. Do you think that you can manage all of those gears?"

"Yeah." Vincent gave Ether a look, and the creature sighed before he repeated the steps needed for first gear. He proceeded to narrate every step for the following gears. When he met Vincent's gaze again, the human male nodded in approval.

"Now, you'll be going into the higher gears, and you'll need to switch the range switch to high. Before you do that, though, you'll need to depress the clutch and flip the splitter into L. Then, you can move it into high. This way, you don't grind gears when you switch back into first gear, which is the same position as fifth gear." When Ether made the motion to continue, Vincent proceeded to say, "You'll repeat the process that you did when going into first gear. You already have the splitter on L, so you need to put the shifter into neutral, release the clutch, push in again all the way and go into fifth gear."

"And, I repeat that process for the remaining gears in the high range?" Ether questioned, making sure that he got it right.

"Exactly. And when you need to slow down, you'll need to downshift. It's the same process, but just you're moving the shifter back to lower gears." Pointing to the break pedal, he mentioned, "Just remember to hit the break to slow the car down, so that it's in the proper range for the lower gear."

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن