The Bright Morning

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


On, off. On, off. Open, Shut. Open, Shut. Such movements seemed to describe the time span for however long she had been mostly unconscious. She would wake up for brief moments, her body too weak to move much. Only her eyelids would flicker open before they fell closed again, and she listened to the sounds around her. Ether called out her name each time, but each time, her eyes closed, and she, eventually, drifted back into slumber.

Truly, it was the first time that she really could sleep in peace and sleep without receiving new injuries when she woke back up. Her body was recovering, and she didn't know how much longer she would be in such a state; she didn't even know how much time had passed. Sometimes, it would be light outside her bedroom window; sometimes, it would be dark. At other moments, she couldn't tell since she was in the bathroom, which still embarrassed her, but she didn't want to grow dirty again even if all she was doing was lying in bed.

Deidre helped her too, and Ether, actually, let her be the one in charge to help with more embarrassing bodily functions. She had registered that he was still in the room, but he had promised that he had been looking away too in those incidents. It reminded her back at the cabin, and she was so grateful that Deidre wasn't making fun of her and was simply making sure that she was cared for in the best manner possible, especially since she felt like a zombie in those moments of being not even really half-awake and having to expel such contents.

At other moments, she would feel her head being tilted up and water trickling down her throat. Or, she would taste what seemed like a peanut butter smoothie, which would be washed down by water soon after she finished. To some degree, it felt as though someone was constantly throwing water and peanut butter on her face or shoving a tube down her throat with the contents. Needless to say, those interactions weren't pleasant since she barely could swallow in her somewhat awake state.

Necessities aside, she would, occasionally, wake to conversations. Something about a blog writer issue being resolved and that the man had bought the story about the fake trail into the woods and away from the subway. Another conversation seemed to contain a lot of excitement, but it sounded farther away as though it wasn't in her room; however, she hadn't been able to hear the exact details since her hearing had been incredibly fuzzy at the time. That had been one of the instances where she even hadn't been able to open her eyes.

When she drifted out of sleep again, she tried to move around on the bed, but her abdomen protested, and she winced. Her hands wanted to comfort the pain somewhat, but she expected them not to lift far off of the bed; however, they raised just enough to touch her sides and rest there. Shock entered her mind and awoke her further. (F/n) glided her fingers over her clothed midsection, and her own fingers felt so foreign to her. Yes, Ether and Deidre had handled her carefully over the last ... however much time had passed, but it was different; it was her own hands!

Barely, her lips cracked upward into a tiny smile. That surprised her too. She actually smiled! And, she could feel her smile growing. Maybe, just maybe ... No, she didn't want to raise her hopes too high, but she didn't want to neglect the possible opportunity either. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and they ... opened! Blurry scenery greeted her (e/c) optics, but her eyes were opening completely. The weight from before had grown a little lighter.

What looked like morning light poured in through the bedroom window across from the bed, and it greeted her eyes spectacularly, making her squint for a little bit. She didn't shut her eyes completely, though; she didn't want to; she didn't want to lose the progress she had made. As her eyes adjusted more, she noticed something else that was odd. The curtains across from her no longer looked like a wall of light, wavy color; they became more solid, and she could tell that they were made of a light blue chiffon fabric.

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