The Creepy Inspector

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Both women averted their gazes to him, though; in the process, Deidre noted that (f/n) visibly tensed and seemed to shrink back in her restraints. Unfortunately, the cables kept her arms above her, and she only could shift on her knees by a fraction. (F/n) winced from the action as some debris scraped across one of her dark bruises, and Deidre desired to dart over and help, but fear kept her still. Even if she did attempt to race over to the younger woman, the creature before her would stop her.

"I honestly didn't expect you both to be up so soon," he remarked, leaning against the same wall that Deidre was resting on. His arms crossed and a lackadaisical expression overtook his countenance. "Good thing I checked." Callest examined them both. "I can't have you making too much noise and giving away your location." He chuckled, but it held no humor in it. "After all, we're still missing three of our guests, and I can't have a loose party sneaking around this area."

He pushed himself off of the wall and began to walk towards Deidre. (F/n) went to protest, but a stern glare was sent her way, and she didn't say a word. The younger woman's lips, though, began to quiver, and Deidre would've been shocked to see her so obedient, but all of the markings on (f/n)'s body gave the older woman enough information. Again, Deidre saw her mouth a few similar phrases. I'm so sorry. It's my fault, all of it.

Her view of (f/n) vanished as the creature crouched in front of her. His wrists crossed and rested on his knees. "I'm not going to kill you yet. And, (f/n) isn't going to be dying anytime soon." The creature's very pale blue optics analyzed her expression, but he could hear her pounding heartbeat and unsteady breath. Even if she wasn't expressing her terror on her face, it was as clear as a sunny day. "No, you're a toy for Nick more so than (f/n)." Nausea began to form in the older woman's stomach, and her hands clenched into fists as a way to calm her body down.

"(F/n), used to do that too." He stood up to his feet and diverted his attention to the (e/c)-eyed woman. When his gaze greeted hers, she broke eye contact and stared down. "But, I managed to remove that. Sometimes, she forgets." The male shrugged and chuckled, indicating that there was some punishment that happened to (f/n) should she clench her fists. His eyes focused back on Deidre.

"What did you mean by spoil?" Deidre managed to ask without stuttering, but her heart rate didn't decrease. She tried to summon a more confidant expression upon her face. Much to her dismay, it failed, and she only carried a neutral air, but it was unlike the creature in front of her. Whereas he could hide his emotions presently, she couldn't.

"Why should I answer you?" He scowled, and she finally spotted an emotion from him: disgust. "Besides, you're not even part of that. You just created a new situation for me, and I finally can get rid of that other annoying human." His frown grew heavier, and his form towered over hers unnervingly. She wished that she could meld into the wall and leave his attention for awhile. If she could bring (f/n) with her, that would be even better.

"Nick doesn't even know you," she argued, but her voice's volume didn't rise. Almost, it quaked instead. She probably shouldn't be challenging the creature, but it kept him busy, and he had admitted that he didn't plan on ending her life. So if she learned more on the situation, she might have a better chance of survival down the road or ... a worse one. Given his present distaste of her, Deidre suspected that her future was most likely going to be grim.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon