The Shaky Development

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


For awhile, she just stared at the device on her lap as though it would spring to life or summon her parents to her. The conversation left a sour taste in her mouth and a sick feeling in her stomach. She was leaving them to face ... him on their own. Maybe, he wouldn't go after them, and he would remain fixated only on Ether, Nick and his team and her. Unfortunately even if that wasn't the case, she couldn't do anything about it; she had a long recovery process ahead, and if she wasn't careful, her internal stitches wouldn't heal properly. That would cause other problems, and she didn't need any more of those.

"I can't promise anything," Ether began, and she slightly looked up to him. "But, we can head there when you're healed. He'll still be out there, and we can take ... Nick and his team too."

A sigh parted from her, and she managed to adjust herself against the pillow behind her a little to get more comfortable. "I know. I just hate this." From her lips, a bitter laugh parted. "I've been saying that a lot, but I guess ..."

"That's how you feel." Ether shrugged. "It doesn't bother me. You should know that." He giggled. "I've heard it from you so many times before." His giggle fell short, however, and a frown fell onto his lips. "But, I have some news to discuss with you." She raised a brow, and she seemed dejected that more bad information might befall her. "It's about my food." Instantly, she tensed. "I'm not going to take a bite from you. At least, not until you're fully recovered." By a little, she relaxed.

"But, I do need more food, and I know that you'd rather not have me feed on Nick and his team." Now, a giggle, a sadistic one, left him. "Even though, I would love to tear Nick apart. Maybe, sample a little of him, though; he probably tastes the worst out of the four of them." His giggles continued, but (f/n)'s scowl caused him to pause before he released a few more giggles. Ether held up his hands and smirked. "I won't, though. But," his frown returned, "since I won't be eating one of them, I do need someone else."

Dread filled her being. Because of her being injured and needing to recover, someone else was going to have to die. She was glad that she only missed him. Being around him meant constant death, and she still had trouble stomaching the fact that she was a part of it all so that she could live. "However, someone already has died." Her eyes widened slightly. Already, he had killed someone?! Who?! Hadn't he not been wanting to leave her side?! Just when had he committed that act?! Noting her expression, he answered, "You misunderstand. I didn't kill her." Panic now rose in her (e/c) optics. "He didn't either." By a little bit, she relaxed. "The woman died of old age. In a few days, we'll be heading to the cemetery to pick her up, but that means that all of us will have to go."

Things clicked in her head immediately. "You're worried that he'll attack us, then, but you can't let Nick's group go on their own or stay alone. Nor, can you let me be without you." He nodded, and her brows furrowed in thought. "But if he attacks, you won't be able to protect Nick and his group too well unless you leave me." Again, he nodded, and her heart tightened. "So, some or all of them might die if he does attack."

"I need that body to keep up my strength to protect you. Otherwise, it'll be Nick and his team in place of the old woman. Most likely, all of them won't survive that process with how much I would have to take from them in blood and pieces of skin to make up for the lack of organs and/or substantial skin." Crossing his arms, he sighed. "One option will guarantee at least one of them dying while the other has a high risk of one, some or all of them dying." She looked uncertain of what to say. Either was awful.

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