The Fowl Detective

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


 Heartbeat loud in his ears, the vet wondered what was taking the thing so long. The door wasn't opening. Had it left? No, he could hear very light breathing on the other side as if a soft breeze was rolling through the subway. Backing up against the wall, he distanced himself more from the door. His right ankle tugged on the chain again, and he winced when one of his cuts from the glass in his office hit the tiled wall a little too hard.

The water continued to run in the background. Soon enough, it overflowed in the sink and some tumbled over the edge. Several drip-drops began to collide with the tile on the ground before they became a pitter-patter as more water overfilled. Water began to slip under the jacket, however, and it was working towards pushing it out of the faucet. Thankfully, he had pushed the jacket into the drain firmly. Then again, the idea of getting a drink was slowly fading from his mind.

When he shifted on his feet again, his left foot slipped due to the wet floor by him. A groan followed moments later, and his head ached horribly. The vet lifted his right hand to the back of it, and his brown optics widened somewhat. It was wet and warm. Shakily, he brought his hand to the front of him. Blood coated his fingers, and a cruel chuckle hit his lips. "I smell fresh blood. Did you hurt yourself?" Almost, he wanted to tell the thing to be quiet, and his hatred for it vanished when he saw the thing place its left eye by the hole in the door. Fear replaced his hate. With the poor lighting, the very pale blue and very pale grey colors of its eye made it seem dead. He gulped and used the wall as support to get back up. Nearly, he slipped again due to the crimson on his hand, but he gripped his fingers around the edges of the tiles to help keep himself upright.

As soon as its eye left the hole, the vet panicked. Since the mirror was closer than the sink, he hurriedly reached over and broke the mirror more. Shards clattered to the back of the sink and ground. He grabbed a large chunk from the back of the sink and did his best to avoid the water on the ground. When it moved its eye back by the door, he was there.

With as much force as he could, he thrust the shard through the hole. Instantly, a low, shrill cry echoed throughout the subway. A smirk fell upon his lips. "Serves you right, you f*cking monster!" he yelled, his brief moment of victory consuming some of his rationality. It wasn't until he heard angered, mocking laughter that logic came ramming back into his mind completely. If even law enforcement couldn't take down the creature in the tunnels, how did he expect to kill the thing with a piece of glass?! How the h*ll did (l/n) and Calamiss escape it the first time?!

Even knowing some of the facts of their escape, it didn't make sense. Everything that he had heard seemed fake as though they never had entered the tunnels themselves and just gave themselves the injuries to make their story more believable. Facing off against the thing was so much worse; it made his blood chill. Every vein, every artery wished to burst so that they wouldn't be stabbed and ripped apart by the brutality of the thing on the other side.

Before he even could act, the door slammed open. Instantly, he jumped back, but his feet slipped on the water. He landed on his bottom, and his hands supported him upward, but pain seared at them. Due to him breaking the mirror more, glass had mixed in with the water on the ground, and some had found its way into his hands. Barely, though, he paid that any attention. Rather, his eyes focused on the form in the doorway.

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