The Lonely Residence

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Along the way, he took brief periods of rest so that he wouldn't be to the point of exhaustion where he couldn't do anything. Needless to say, those breaks were troublesome, and it often took a good thirty minutes to an hour to fall asleep. His mind would torment him with endless possibilities of what he would find, and most of them ended in negative results, with a few hopeful thoughts here and there. Even when he fell asleep, his dreams often would consist of similar situations, and he comprehended that his mind wouldn't relax until he reached Delain and gained answers. Hopefully, Nick would have answers that he liked, or he would have to ask the human for further help, which he'd rather avoid.

It was hard enough telling himself that he wasn't going to rip the male apart and strangle him after he tortured the human male's companions. Instead, he had to talk to him and be civil. The creature bit his lower lip to keep himself from yelling out in frustration. He reminded himself that he only was going to behave himself for (f/n). She needed him, and he didn't want to lose any more time in searching for her. Two months already was too long, and it pained him thinking that she had been with Callest alone for such an extended timeframe.

When Delain finally came into his view, he slowed down slightly and quieted his steps even more as he used the nearby trees for cover. His feet guided him towards the old road of the town, and it was hard to miss since the crumbling asphalt path stretched past the town before it disappeared underneath the dirt and grasses of the terrain. It was at the back of the one side of the town, and there was a thick forest on the other side, but it still stood out. At least to him, it did.

The creature didn't travel to the subway entrance, however, since he was searching for Nick. He wanted to find the human male first and learn what he could from him before he hopped down into the old tunnel system. Given what he knew about Nick, the creature figured that he would have charts and notes on the place; he might even have a map. That would be perfect, and it would lead to a quicker investigation of the place since he had no idea how huge the subway system was.

There also was the fact that he was dealing with another creature, and Callest could move (f/n) around the tunnel just as quickly as he found her. So if he knew the layout ahead of time, he might be able to cut Callest off even though Callest might've been down there with her for two months and would know the terrain well most likely.

With all of that in mind, the creature debated on where Nick might be in the town. So far, he hadn't seen Nick or that girl that had been with him back in the car in Gracious Falls. What he remembered of Nick's scent wasn't around either. Then again, his last scent wasn't too helpful given that it had been from something far too distinct and awful for it to be a common scent for Nick, especially since it smelled like it had been ancient. It didn't help that his other scent had been of pines and spice. There were pine trees and other plants growing all throughout the area, and even if the cologne had been a more concentrated smell, the creature picked up nothing like that in the air.

Due to smelling being out of the options of locating Nick, the creature focused on where he might stay. It'd be a hotel or some other place that visitors could rest, and it'd probably be close to the main site: the subway entrance. The creature used that line of thinking and leaped atop the nearest building. His optics noticed the other end of the old road leading into a batch of trees before vanishing underneath them, and he pinpointed a hotel nearby. There were no similar establishments nearby from what he could tell, and he decided to check out that place first. Getting into their room might be tricky, though, since he couldn't break through the window, and there was no lock on the outside to lock pick.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя