The Scary Client

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Fingers roughly combed through brown and grey locks. The gel once there nearly was gone as he had brushed his hands across his hair so many times that day, just like the last few. He had done so ever since that surprise visit, that surprise patient: a patient that he never wanted. Leaning back on his office chair, he removed his reading glasses; he hadn't been reading the paperwork in front of him anyway. His right hand brushed it aside, and his eyes seemingly stared blankly at the turned off monitor. Nothing greeted him, and he wished that had been the case several nights ago.

Slightly, his brown optics switched over to the packed bag on the chair on the other side of his desk. The money rested inside, and he felt that it was cursed, but he wouldn't throw away over three thousand either; however, the memory of that night and the money constantly tormented him. He hadn't been able to work after that too well, and his usual patients almost had suffered because of that. Finally, he called off work for the present day, needing a break to collect himself.

In that collection, he had determined that he needed to leave Delain. He would open a clinic in another town or city; he just needed to get away, and, hopefully, the memories of that night would lessen with the move. Even if neither that girl ... (f/n) (l/n) or any of the others, especially th-th-that ... th-th-thing, ever came back, he wouldn't tell a soul about that night. A nagging feeling in his gut told him that the ... creature ... it would find out one way or another if he said a word about it all.

His sudden absence from Delain might raise suspicion, especially with the missing people, but he couldn't stay any longer. That morning, he would leave and move on with his life; he would try to forget the terror of that one night. And if he was questioned by the local law enforcement, he simply would state that he feared for his life since three people already had gone missing and none of them had been found. After seeing the woman from Cankerfell as well as the man and that ... thing, he understood why people were disappearing. Probably, they were all dead and ... A shiver ran up his spine. Most likely, they were eaten too.

Scratching the brown and grey stubble on his chin, he released a sigh and pushed himself out of his chair. Exhaustion begged his body to sit back down, but he remained standing. He left his office, closed the door and stepped out into the hall after he grabbed his bag and slipped it over his shoulders. All he had to do was get in his car. All of his things were loaded into it, and what couldn't fit was being delivered to him by truck.

Stepping into the hallway, he paused. To his left, he saw a figure. Almost, a groan left him, but he held it in. "I'm closed today. In fact, I'm leaving town." He was about to face the figure fully and apologize for the inconvenience until his mind clicked. The person had come in through the backdoor, and that door had been locked.

Immediately, he stood completely upright, and his whole body tensed. The last individual ... No, the thing that had done that had been ... it. Heartbeat picking up, he steadily turned towards the backdoor. When his eyes met the door, though, there was no one or nothing there. He blinked in confusion. Was he losing it? Had that night affected him even more than he previously had known?

Just as his heartbeat began to relax as his confusion increased, he nearly jumped. His heart rate picked up again. Behind him, he heard tapping ... from his operating room. Horrible possibilities entered his mind. Had she ... passed? He gulped. Maybe, he should've cared more about making sure that she had made it through the night. But, why would it take so long for that thing to act, then? Perhaps, she only had passed that day; the extent of her injuries, even after surgery, having been too taxing on her body.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat