The Chilly Rot

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Even all the way down on platform three, the two of them had heard the metal bang echo throughout the tunnel and down onto the tracks. At that point, both had presumed the worst, but neither of them had gone back to double check on their fate since the creature might've been waiting there to see if they would. Instead, they both stayed by the platform before they ventured down the tracks that led to gate two. If need be, Ren could utilize the bolt cutters to break through the gate, but they would be leaving Deidre and Chris behind due to gate two not connecting to any of the other gates. Leaving them behind when they still might be alive wasn't an option, and Nick could tell that Ren was fighting the urge to forgo rationality and charge back to attempt to reunite with Chris.

By now, only Nick had his flashlight on, and it was at a dimmer setting. Ren stayed close and had his flashlight in one of his green coat pockets so that it would be at the ready. Both still had their backpacks on, so they had food and water if they required it. Their stay in the subway definitely was going to be longer than anticipated, and it might be ... permanent. Nick gulped at such a thought, and Ren rested a comforting hand on his older friend's right shoulder.

Placing his free hand over Ren's, Nick smiled back to him appreciatively before he lowered his hand and shone the light further down the tracks. Ren removed his hand and asked, "Should I take any notes?" He knew it was foolish to suggest such a thing, but it would distract his mind from the worst.

Nick shook his head. "No, I don't want your hands to be full. Light's still our best bet against him, and I just see him stealing the pen and using it on us." A frown touched his lips. "(F/n) had told me how the creature's obsession with her all had begun with a knife." Ren felt a shiver snake up his spine at the thought. "Sharp objects just seem to encourage them unless you can get the jump on them, but like the other creature, this one seems highly intelligent too and just as violent and sick." The older male released a drawn-out sigh. "I'm sorry about all of this. I should've known better."

"Nick," Ren shook his head and gave Nick a supportive smile, "you didn't know that there was a second one. None of us did. And, you went over all of the signs. You were right. It wasn't the other creature. Don't beat yourself up over it."

"How can I not?" he asked, his tone a little harsher from disappointment in himself. His feet didn't stop, but they were tempted to so that he could face Ren and just unleash all of his anxiety about the whole thing. "You ..." He kept his brown optics pinned forward and listened for the creature, but he didn't hear him at all. There was no slight breeze in the place either, and his flashlight touched no figure in the dark. Hopefully, he was correct in that the creature wasn't on the tracks with them. Otherwise, he'd regret bringing up the matter, but he felt like he had to after everything that happened recently; he was responsible for screwing it all up if things entered an even more horrid state.

"I ... I saw it." A frustrated groan parted from him. "Why didn't you tell me?" Nick finally paused and faced his friend fully. Ren stopped too and searched Nick's optics to understand what he was referencing before realization struck him.

Now, it was Ren's turn to permit a sigh to depart from him. "Because, I knew that you wouldn't have allowed us to join you on this trip. You would've given us special treatment, and I didn't want that." He combed his right fingers through his spiked auburn hair. "Besides, I wanted to do that after this investigation was over. And if you had kept us back, she would've known that something was up." Ren averted his green-hazel optics away from the older male. "I don't even know what her answer is going to be yet, and I," hesitation crossed his orbs, "don't want to make things awkward if she doesn't agree, so I wanted to wait longer for that reason too."

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