The Brisk Ignition

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Finally, they had made it to the road. No longer did snow hold them back. Their only concern was the ice that formed along the paved path, so they had to be careful not to slip. None of them were running too fast, though, due to carrying the injured, but they remained cautious. Slipping and falling really wouldn't be a good outcome, especially at the present moment. Deidre was beginning to slip into unconsciousness, and Nick was cursing quietly under his breath. He was getting after himself and his own wounds since his right sight remained gone, and he had to spit out blood every few minutes due to the slashes across his face dripping the substance onto his lips and into his mouth.

Much to their annoyance, though, it was snowing. They'd reach the car long before it covered the road again, but it certainly wasn't making the road any less slippery. (F/n) adjusted Deidre's one arm over her shoulders and forced herself to keep supporting the older woman. She couldn't get exhausted. Compared to Deidre and Nick, she should have more than enough energy to keep going, but Deidre was becoming more and more of dead weight. Barely, she was moving her own feet, and the car, at the rate they were going, probably would take them another five minutes at the least to reach.

If one of them had a cell phone, that would help since they could call Ren and Chris. Then again, having one wasn't the problem; it was reaching one. Nick and she had to focus on supporting up Deidre. At this point, she was using both of her hands to keep Deidre upright, and Nick was doing the same. Her father was carrying her mother. Realistically, her mother was the only who could make a call. That might be their best option.

"... Mom," she called out after she pushed Deidre back up against her. Almost, Deidre had slipped off. Slowly, her mother looked over to her as did her father. "Grab Dad's phone. Call Ren and Chris. Have them drive the rest of the way. There's no point in them hiding anymore. The other creature knows that we're all here, and we have you."

Nodding to the suggestion, she looked up to (d/n), who already was answering, "It's in my front left pocket." (D/n) frowned. "I should've thought of that sooner. We've been making this harder on ourselves and at the worst time."

"We all should've thought of it," Nick replied back after he made a grunt of effort of hoisting Deidre back up properly. "But, we're doing it now, so let's just focus on that and keep moving." Deidre groaned a little, and her head began to hang. "Sh*t," he muttered, growing all the more worried. "Hang on, Deidre; we'll be in the car soon. Then, we can patch you up."

(M/n) already was moving her left bruised arm down. She patted her husband's left leg and found the phone. Her fingers slipped inside, and she managed to pull out the device just barely. Bringing it back up to her, she pressed the phone icon. "Okay, what number should I call?" she asked since she wasn't going to try and bother scrolling through all of her husband's contacts to find one of their numbers. Nick recited the number Ren was using at the moment.

Holding the phone to her left ear, she waited for the other side to pick up. All of them hoped that Ren would answer. Thankfully after the first ring, he picked up. "(D/n)?! Why are you calling?! Did something go wrong?! What happened?!" Ren's inquiries were rushed, and they almost sounded like one continuous question rather than multiple.

"Just start driving towards the factory and pick us up," (m/n) replied, her words just as quick. "Deidre's hurt bad. Nick's bleeding too." Immediately, Ren hung up, and (m/n) sighed in relief. She hung up and kept the phone in her hand for the moment in case he needed to call back for some reason. "He's on his way. We should see them out ahead any moment now."

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