The Happy Sitting

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Whoever was on the couch was getting up. Panic struck all of her limbs, and she quickly looked around for the nearest object. A lamp. Some of her rationality gone, she darted behind it and gripped the stand as if her life depended on it. A head emerged from over the back of the couch. Long black hair flowed down, and it was somewhat messy due to lying on the couch. Brown eyes searched the room before they landed on (f/n) and widened. Slowly, panic started to subside, but she found that her hands gripped the lamp stand a little longer than they probably should have. Deidre sat up straight and kept the television on to drown out any sound they made hopefully, though; she doubted that it fully would block out their voices or movements. "... (F/n)," she whispered, "what are you doing out of your room?"

Steadily, she withdrew from her questionable hiding spot and came closer. "I needed a break," she whispered back. Her (e/c) eyes peered over her left shoulder. "He's asleep, and he hasn't woken up yet. Otherwise, he would be out here now." Deidre gave a doubtful gaze. "I mean it; he's not in any mood to play a game. He's taking this guarding thing really seriously." If she wasn't worried about Ether waking up and didn't know the dangers of being away from him, she probably would've sweat-dropped.

"That's why I'm worried," Deidre answered before she let out a quiet sigh. She patted the spot to her right on the couch. (F/n) took soft steps towards the area before she seated herself on the cushion. Her hands were folded on her lap, and her eyes stayed on her hands. It almost felt like her mother was scolding her when she was a little kid. "What if Nick had been out here and not me? You could've just signed his death sentence."

Shame met (f/n)'s countenance, and she didn't meet the older woman's gaze. "I know, but I ... I was getting tired of being cooped up in there and constantly having to be around him." A frown fell on her lips. "It wasn't even this bad during those seven months at my parents' house."

"Yes, but the situation is different now," she stressed as she reached back and pulled her hair together. She started to separate it and braid it into her characteristic single braid. "He's out there. We're all being cooped up and are uncomfortable. I know that you'd like to walk around the house and have more freedom, but this is dangerous." Deidre secured the braid with a hair tie. "Even though Nick isn't out here, you still are. If he wakes up ..."

"I know," she replied, cutting her off. Almost, she had yelled, and she sounded like some little brat, but she couldn't help it. She had been only allowed into two rooms for a whole month; it was driving her up the wall, and she wanted some time away from Ether. It was selfish, but so far it was working. "I'll go back soon." Deidre looked ready to argue. "Can I please just sit here for a little while? I got out of the room for once; I just want to enjoy it some. Then, I'll go back."

Pushing back some loose strands of black hair, Deidre shook her head before she smiled a little. "Fine. I suppose that we've done riskier." She smiled again before she leaned back on the couch. "After all, we did hide you from him for a little over three weeks." (F/n) sat up straight, and her eyes nearly sparkled at the older woman's words. A quiet, soft laugh parted from Deidre. "You're welcome."

Grinning a bit to herself, (f/n) crossed her legs on the couch and rested her hands on her knees. Her eyes looked to the cooking channel. Thankfully, it was going over a recipe to make chocolate cupcakes. She looked back to Deidre. "So ..." she trailed off, wondering if it would be appropriate to bring up the question. Deidre motioned her to continue. "How did you convince him to let you come close? I mean you're actually allowed in the room."

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