The Merry Mark

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Two weeks had gone by since she had sneaked out of the room without Ether noticing. During that entire time span, he hadn't said a word or seemed to become suspicious at all for that matter, which relieved her greatly. When she had come back into the bedroom that morning, he still had been sleeping, so she was thankful that he was none the wiser to her action. Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to succeed again, and she returned to making the excuses she had made before.

That in itself was odd, but she figured that he just had been extremely exhausted. Otherwise if he had been up, he wouldn't have pretended to remain sleeping just so he could eavesdrop on her conversation with Deidre. If he had heard, it would've been very likely that Nick would've had an extremely pissed off Ether at his door even if she had told Deidre that things wouldn't work between Nick and her.

On top of that, things remained well with her parents. Her past tormentor hadn't shown up, and they hadn't even seen any signs of someone suspicious roaming the premises of the funeral home. Then again, she doubted that they would spot him before he attacked. Technically, though, she could head home since six weeks had expired since her surgery, but Ether wished to wait the full eight. He wanted to take no risks, so she remained confined to the bedroom and bathroom.

Her diet, however, did change already. She wasn't immediately allowed to eat whatever she wanted again, but Ether relaxed on her meal choices. In fact, she was anxiously awaiting a sweet that she hadn't been able to have during her recovery process. It wouldn't be her dad's homemade ones, but they still would have that delightful ginger flavor to them. Hopefully, they would be crispy on the outside and soft in the inside.

"You're genuinely grinning." His words broke her out of her thoughts, and she looked over to Ether, who was leaning against the wall to her right. She was sitting on the chair by the table in the room. The lamp beside her was turned off, and a pale light came in through the window since the sky was cloudy. (F/n) wouldn't be surprised if it snowed later in the afternoon or evening.

"Of course, I am." She crossed her arms and practically pouted to him. "I haven't had one of those cookies for several months now. I miss ginger cookies."

"Just like you missed me?" he teased, a smirk on his lips.

"No." Her answer was blunt and unyielding. He giggled in return. "I wasn't grinning."

"You weren't, but you were smiling and crying." He released a dreamy sigh. "If only you could smile like that again for me." She raised an eyebrow as if to say not happening. Ether shrugged his shoulders. "I disagree. I think that you will," she looked ready to argue, but he continued, "with time. Again, I'm pretty patient."

"Sure." Admittedly, he was. He did have self restraint that not even some humans possessed. The fact that he ate humans and was living in a house full of living ones, yet he didn't attack any of them was incredible if one really thought about it. She wouldn't tell him that, but she figured that he probably could understand some of her thoughts given how she fell silent a short while after her comment.

"Though," she began and shifted her (e/c) eyes to his very pale blue ones, "are you going to be fine discussing the plan to head back to my parents? You did agree that we would talk about it even if we're still waiting two more weeks to leave." He released a sigh and averted his eyes as irritating thoughts pestered him. "It would be better to have all of them in here. If they have questions, everything can be addressed right away rather than communicating back and forth like a game of telephone."

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