2 Tied with ropes

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

I woke up in a strange place that I've never seen before. It was dark and cold and it took me long enough to realise that I was tied to a chair. I started to look around and saw no one. My head pounded and my body was stiff, my butt along with my legs were numb. My eye lids were heavy, my mouth and lips were dry as sandpaper.

"Hello?" I croaked out. Soon enough a very atrractive man came into the room. The one who called me a stupid fucking bitch. "Where the fuck am I?" I tried to scream as loud as I could, but it was barely above a yell.

"Ah, bella, I wouldn't talk like that if I where you" He said with a smirk. "Do you know who I am?" Oh, I see what type of kidnapper he is. He's the arrogant type, he probably thinks that I won't be able to escape. Goddamn he's so wrong.

"No and I don't give a shit." Lie. Alessandra you know exactly who he is. "Now tell me where. the. hell. I. am. You fucking bastard."

His smirk dropped and his lips formed a straight line. His eyes turned a bit darker shade than they actually were, or maybe it's just his thick eyebrows that he needs to pluck. He turned around to face other men who where standing beside the door. He said something in italian which I didn't give a crap about. Yes, I speaked fluentely in Italian, but my mind was so messed up, I couldn't function properly. Both men nodded and walked out the door.

"Do you know why you're here? " he asked as he turned around to face me

"Ye- no and I don't care just let me go." I shaked my head, this basement is like school, I don't want to be here. It's a literal hell.

"I can't let you g-" He started

"What? Why? You have no right to kidnap people when they have done nothing to you!" I cut him off with fake tears filling my eyes.

This isn't my first time being kidnapped and I have made my own rules to get out of here easier. What? I get really bored really quickly.

Rule number one in kidnapping: act as innocent as you can.

Rule number two: never ever get on your kidnappers bad side.

Rule number three: behave.

Rule number four: try to get on their good side, aka tell something small about yourself, so they could trust you and see your defeat.

Rule number five: make your escape.

He let out a small sigh "Do you remember what you saw last night?" Of course I did, who wouldn't? When he didn't get the anwser out of me, he continued. "You made this hard for us and now you'll get what you deserve. If you wouldn't had ran away, little girl. Tsk, my men were looking for you the whole entire week. I gave them a shit load of beatings, just for you." he pointed a finger at me.

"Your men?" I questioned and let out a loud snort.

"I don't think it's going to be funny when I'll cut that pretty little face of yours." He said sternly, with no emotion. I looked at him in disbelief, I can't believe the nerve of him, kidnapping me, putting me in a, I don't know, I'm guessing basement and then threatening me. Who the hell does he think he is?

Well, I mean, atleast he called my face pretty?

"As I was saying my men searched for you the whole week and then there you are in the same place we saw you" He chuckled. "You're really stupid."

Gee, thanks.

"Please let me go. I-I did nothing wrong" I whimpered as I tried my innocent act.

"Yes, you did nothing wrong but you saw something-"

"I wasn't planning on telling anyone, plus I didn't see who and how, so now I'm saying to you politely to let. Me. Go. " I don't know how I managed to speak clearly from my teeth being gritted together.

"I'm not letting you go." Oh, God, he's stubborn as hell.

I let out a dry chuckle "Whenever I get my strenght back from the drug dose you gave me, your balls will be purple. And when I say that, I'm not lying, you idiot." A few seconds of silence passed. "Can I atleast call my parents?" I tilted my head to the side.


"Can I call my friend?"


"My sister?"


"Can you atleast untie the ropes?" I asked quietly and prayed that this motherfucker did.

He shaked his head. "Stupid little girl." He griped my chin forcefully. "I will be the one to make the decisions for you." He whispered and walked out of the room.

I'm gonna fucking rip his limbs apart.

I don't even know how much time had passed of me just sitting in this chair. I swear if I won't stand up right now, my butt will go numb for the rest of my life.

Just as I started to move in the chair and tried getting out of those damn ropes, a woman in her late sixty's came in.

"How did you get here?" She asked me as soon as she came into the room. She kneeled besides me and started to undo the ropes.

"I was kidnapped." the woman sighed as she stood up.

Does she want me to say otherwise?

"What's your name?"

"Alessandra Ss....- Lee. Alessandra Lee." I said as I tried to cover up my very stupid lie. The woman gasped and froze.

"What? What's wrong?"

She shook her head "Nothing sweetie it's nothing" She smiled. Dramatic much? I silently stood behind her and tried looking for an exit but found none, while she was picking up the ropes from the ground.

We walked upstairs and walked into the kitchen which was fabulous. The marble and the wood really did go well together.

What I don't understand is why the fuck am I not in the basement?

"I'm sure you're hungry, sit down and I'll make you something." I slowly nodded, being more confused than ever, and looked around. The house is beyond beautiful- wait sorry, no the house is disgusting. The house is so disgusting that I need some fresh air.

I looked around for a door that I could escape. I looked for about five minutes and finally found one. I admit it, I may or may not have skipped rule number three and four, but I cannot stay here a minute longer.

Just as I pulled the door I felt a strong grip on my arm pulling me away. I turned around and saw that man who just loves to give me cute nicknames.

With force, I gave a hard kick to his balls and stepped on his toe before I pushed him away from me and ran out of the door.

I started running even though I knew he was chasing me. I reached the gates and started to pull them. The gates moved but they did not open even a bit. Not a second later passed when I felt a gun next to my head. I stood there frozen as I slowly turned around and held my hands up in surrender. His hazel eyes were the last thing I saw before he hit me in the temple with his gun and I blacked out.


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