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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

"Cos'hai appena detto?" (what did you just say?) I said being really shocked.

"Mi chiamo Norah Lee." She repeated again. And then it suddenly hit me. The almost same height, her blue eyes, her long brunette hair and her small nose were the same as mine.

"Oh my god." I whispered and brought my hand to cover my wide open mouth. "I found you. I finally fucking found you!" I smiled out of happines, she looked at me dumbfounded, not understanding anything I said. "Ti ho trivata, sorella."(I found you, sister.) I smiled at her

"Sorella?" She questioned. She raised her hand and touched my hair. Norah twirled it between her fingers, before with an index finger touching my nose and cheeks. "Sorella." She smiled. A single happy tear fell out of my eye. A toothy smile spread across my face and I took her to my embrace so tightly, I could even hear her gasp for air. We were in the middle of a clothing shop, happy crying. I was happy, I was finally so fucking happy. I found her. My little sister. The small light who always managed to shoot into the darkness of my life and make things worth it.

When I was twelve she was taken away, by someone. Our family didn't know who. The police was searching for her for over a year, but nothing was found. No evidence, no mistakes that could lead us to the kidnappers, no nothing. After over a year of searching the police thought it was best to close the case and report to the city that Norah Lee was found dead, in the river. Only a small amount of people believed that she was actualy dead. But more people believed that it was a fake Norah's body stuffed with cotton. And they were right. My family didn't believe it either, especially me. I was so mad at the police officers that out of rage I took one of the by the throat and squeezed it, very hard. His face was turning all shades of purples and blues before somebody forced me off him. My parents said that is was the best if we could start over. And after a few months they found perfect jobs in US. So we moved there to start over, but only I got the chance.

We pulled from the hug and I kissed her, on her forehead. I smiled and looked at her through my tears. And I suddenly forgot everything. I forgot how my own sister betrayed me. I forgot that the ex love of my life wanted to kill me. I forgot that my so called friends betrayed me. And I forgot, forgot the numbness in my body. The light in my life will be shining again.

But all the good thoughts soon ended, when I realised what I actualy came here for. I wiped the smile of my face and I put my serious mask on. Norah soon saw my change in expression and she scrunched her eyebrows. I stood up and gently grabbed her slim arm. I got to the 'bags' section and bought a black, medium size backpack. After I payed for it, I started to go towards the exit.

"Let's go." I said not trying to sound cold. I took her hand and dragged her out of the store. "Significa che andiamo." (It means let's go)

"I can understand english well, thank you very much." She surprised me with her english. It was good and her italian accent was dripping with every word. I smiled to myself when we got out of the long hall, filled with different brand shops. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"I need to find an ATM machine that I'm pretty sure is close and a pharmacy or a drugstore." I replied not looking at her.


"Because I need to get some money out of my card and I need bandages." I explained.

"Why do you need those?" She asked hesitating. I didn't anwser her but I could see her out of the corner of my eyes nodding. "It's pretty serious."

"Yes... A lot more serious than you think." I said as we neared the ATM machine. We stopped when we were right in front of it. I inserted my car and place in the pin. I knew that if anyone was tracking me they could see that my credit card is being used, not to mention the rose tattoo with a GPS tracker.

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