37 The picture

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**Third person's pov**

Alessandra walked out of Giovanni's office as calm as possible, but when she shut the doors, she started sprinting towards the emergency exit. She knew that Giovanni won't take long looking at the picture and will try to find her and talk to her as soon as possible. Alessandra ran down the stairs of the 15th floor, not bothering to take the elevator, knowing Giovanni's people will be there for underover. She didn't know which one of those fuckers tracked her down, but she knew if someone see's her, she's screwed.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry. Running down the stairs and skipping some of the steps. The girl heard gunshots firing and men's voices yelling, that she couldn't figure out. Her heart in her chest was beating rapidly, the same for her breathing. Her mind was turned off all the way she was running down the stairs. The only word that came into her mind, telling her not to give up.


Run and don't stop.

Run and don't look back.

Meanwhile Alessandra was running for her life, Giovanni was running too. "Surround the whole building and don't let her get away. Track her phone. NOW!" He screamed catching his breath into the phone to Luca. Luca was Giovanni's right hand man or his so called best friend. Giovanni trusted Luca and Luca trusted Gio.

Giovanni didn't think Alessandra's plan through. He didn't run towards the emergency exit, that lead outside and into the parking lot, he ran towards the elevator. Tsk, tsk , tsk, not a smart move Giovanni. He wasted more than two minutes, by standing and tapping his foot on the metal elevator floor. Constantly cursing himself for not stopping her sooner. He ran after her not because he wanted to hurt her, but because he wanted to talk to her. About her parents and siblings and about the 'but the two men are dead' comment. Why didn't she say anything sooner? Was she scared? How long did she knew? How long did she keep this secret? How did he not noticed the same nose, eyes, cheeks? Yes, she lost some weight from back then, but the two faces in two different pictures were the same. He knew that Alessandra wasn't stupid and knew about his business. The way she'd look at him when he was on his business phone calls. The way she was in his office, searching for something, when he'd confront her, she would use an excuse for 'getting lost'.

Before Alessandra could step outside, she completely destroyed her phone. Coincidente or not, she knew about the phone tracking at her late teens. In situations like these, you can't call, text, or even unlock the phone. One second you unlock it and your phone is locked, recorded, tracked, you name it.

She threw the phone on the ground before digging in her purse and getting a gun with a silencer attatched to it. She shot it two times before destroying it. All the parts of her phone were ripped in pieces, except for the front screen and the back. She took the remaining pieces of her cellphone and threw them into her bag before placing the screen on top of the back of the phone. That way it will save her some time to run to her car. She finally reached for the glass door, but she was stopped by a strong grip on her shoulders. Her reflexes kicked in. She elbowed someone right in the face, making the grip loosen. She turned around and saw a familiar face. She stood there examining him and then it finally clicked.


While Luca was holding his nose, she kicked him in the guts, making him gasp and grabbing fistfull of her long-ish brunette hair. Alessandra let out a yelp before her hands went to his throat. They were fighting like cats and dogs before Alessandra was pulled away from Luca. His face was now ugly, due to the out of place bloody nose and split lips. Luca was laying on the ground, still trying to figure out how a 'weak' girl almost knocked him out.

Alessandra tried to wiggle her way out of another pair of strong arms. The cologne of the man was strong, way too strong for her liking. She thanked the angels that it wasn't her loved boyfriend- Giovanni. She struggled in the mans grip before looking down and seeing that her leg was in the middle of both of his. Her back pressed against his stomach, she kicked him where the sun doesn't shine the hardest she ever kicked. The man immediately let her go while he groaned in pain. She didn't hesitate to grab her gun and shooting him in between his eyes. It's not that Alessandra liked killing people who come in her way, but if she wouldn't kill him, he'd be coming for her. It wasn't her first kill, nor it was her second, but she was still shaking when the mans body fell on the ground.

You are a murderer. He probably had a family. Kids. A beautiful wife. And you just took his life, because of what? Because he worked for Gio?

The girl was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard coughing from her back. She quickly turned around to see Luca laying on the floor coughing before sitting up. He took a few blinks to atjust what was going on. When he saw her, his eyes blew up with an unfamiliar emotion. Alessandra was always good at reading people easily, but Luca here is not so easy to read. His eyes widen at the realisation, but before he could even stand up, he was knocked out by Alessandra. She gun-butted him and that made him fall back on the floor, unconscious.

Still shaking, Alessandra made her way to the emergency glass door, which to her surprise was locked. She groaned, before she heard men yelling something in italian, that she couldn't understand. Gunshots fired, men yelled, Alessandra stood there with a shaky breath, before she finally aimed the gun to the door and shot. Glass shattered and fell on the floor with a loud thud. Not waiting for anything she sprinted down to her car before almost jumping in it. With her hands shaking she turned the car engine on. The car purred and she immediately let out a breath she didn't realise she was holding in for so long. Alessandra drove out of the hotels parking lot and sped down the road. Cars beeping at her, people yelling and sticking their middle fingers out. She didn't care that she was going too fast and that will get her a speeding ticket. She only wanted to go to bed and crawl into a ball, eat a tub of ice cream and a whole box of pizza with her best friend, Sophia, and talk about everything, starting from her dead parents.

While driving home she realised one thing. She was happy about it. Yes, it'll be hard but she didn't care. He took her parents away to heaven, now she is going to take him away to hell and she won't let him go.

'I'm going to kill him.'


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