30 The past

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

I come home and immediately ran to my room. I didn't run, it was more like limping and speed walking. My whole family was in the living room, along with 4 men dressed in suits. I didn't want to talk to anyone.

When I got to my room, I collapsed and fell on the floor. Crying out of pain in my leg and in my neck when the doors opened.

"Alessandra? Alessandra, fuck!" Alessio shrieked when he lifted me up and carried me out of my room. "You're bleeding!"

He proceded to carry me into our hospital room that we had in our house. "Get the doctor." He said to someone when he put me to bed.

"I'm fine..." I sighed when the pain in the neck didn't stop.

"You're not fine! You're bleeding from your neck!" He looked at my neck closely. "Stitches?! You got stitches!"

"I'll explain...e-everything...Just n-not now.." I stuterred.

"Shit. Where's the doctor?" He asked leaving me alone in the room as I drifted off to sleep.

I was sitting on the bathrooms counter, a hand over my mouth while my eyes are looking at the test. Holy crap, it can't be. Maybe it isn't working. It's a false positive. Is it? I look down at the other test. Still positive. No fricking way! I always wanted to be a mom.

"Oh my God. Oh my God! Marc!" I exclaimed while sitting on the counter.

"What's wrong?" He rushed into the bathroom.

"I'm...I'm pregnant." I said showing him two pregnancy tests.

"You're what?!" He looked at me angry.

"I'm so happy! I know we're young and still studying but we'll be great parents!" A happy tear rolled down my cheek.

"You're happy!? How can you be happy? This is the worst timing ever! How could you get pregnant? Aren't you on birth control?" He asked

"What? What are you talking about? Of course I'm on birth control, but my doctor said that the pills aren't affecting every time." I anwsered.

"Shit! I don't care! We're not having this child!" He yelled.

"Well I care. You don't need to have a child. But I'll raise it and I'll love it. You don't need to, I can handle myself. I always do." I said coldly.

"You can't! How can you handle yourself?!" He shouted, "Huh?! Anwser me!"

"I'm capable of doing shit on my own! I will keep my baby, I don't need your disgusting opinion." I said bitter and walked away until a strong grip on my arm pulled me away.

"Don't you dare to talk to me that way! You're getting an abortion! Like it or not!" He tighten the grip.

"No!" I screamed.

That's when I felt a stinging pain on my left cheek.

"What did you say?" He asked with his jaw clenched.

"I said fucking no!" I screamed my lungs out when he kicked me, making me fall to the ground and then punching and kicking my body until I blacked out.


"You're getting it and I don't give a fuck!" He shoutted.

"I'm not getting it! This is my body! I make my own decisions!" I yelped.

"Looks like someone needs to be taught a lesson." He smirked.

"No! No! Please no!" I tried to run but he was faster. He caught me and carried me to the bathroom where he locked me up and beat me until I was unconscious.


Every day the same things happend. He shouts at me for getting an abortion, I protest, he carries me into the bathroom, beats me up, locks the door, brings food when necessary. The bathroom floors would be cold, so I would gather all of the towels and sleep on them. And the next day, everything is the same. I didn't even go to class. My parents tried to call me, but Marc destroyed my phone. Nobody came to look for me. Nobody.


(three weeks later)

"Why? Why can't you just accept the fact that I'm pregnant?" I finally asked.

"Because I don't fucking want your child! Now I will ask you once again. No I'm not asking, this is a command. You're getting an abortion." I knew why he didn't want a child from me. He thinks that I'm not capable of shit and taking care of a baby. But I am. I am capable, I'm not a kid. Atleast I don't go around and fuck with other people like he does. I knew that for a long time. I just couldn't get mad at him, well because. I loved him.

"No I will not. You're not my father, hell you're just a stupid prick who goes around and cheats on his girlfriend." I said with an emotionless voice.

"What did you just say?" He threatend.

"I said that I will not-" I was cut off by Marcs arms around my neck, choking me. I tried gasping for air, but nothing worked. I'm gonna die. I tried coughing but it didn't work as well.

"AHH!" I screamed my lungs out.

"Alessandra! Alessandra! Wake up! Please!" Someone begged as they took my shoulders and started shaking me.

That only made me close my eyes even tighter and continue screaming.

"Alessandra, please. Stop. You're safe." Someone cried out.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mom crying.

"Mom?" I whispered.

"Oh, sweetie." She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "You're safe, everything's ok. You don't need to worry." I'm not safe, I'll never be safe here, in this world. A world full of criminals, killers, mob bosses.

"Mom... I-I was so scared.. I saw him and he... he tried..." My sentence was cut off by Kate, Alessio and dad storming through the door.

"What's wrong? We heard yelling!" Kate ran towards us.

"Everything is fine... It was just a bad dream..." I trailed off.

"It was about him, wasn't it?" Alessio asked. My family members know what kind of nightmares I usually had. When I first got adopted every night I had nightmares of my parents getting killed. After a few years they stopped and I slowly got over them. Right after my abortion I started getting dreams about Marc beating me up. After lots and lots of therapy, I finally started to become my happy self once again, without any nightmares.

When I didn't anwser Alessio, he let out a loud scoff.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." He hissed out as he looked at his gun.

"No need." I said avoiding eye contact.

"What? Why not?" Alessio asked. I looked at him with a shit eating grin and he immediately knew.

"Oh my God, Alessandra. When?" He chuckled.

"Yesterday." I simply anwsered. Mom, dad and Kate have absolutely no idea what the hell we're both talking about.

He cleared his throat "Does it have to do with your neck?"

I nodded. "Yes, yesterday when I was driving to Giovanni's house, a jeep started following me and bumping into the back of my car. I managed to call Giovanni before the car flipped. And then we started to fight like cats and dogs. But this time I finally beat him. Then Giovanni arrived and took me to his home-" My eyes widen at the realisation of what I had just said." Shit" I whispered to myself.

"You went yesterday to Giovanni's house?! Are you fucking kidding-. You know what I can't do this right now. You need to rest." Alessio hissed out before walking out and slamming the door.



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