45 The Game

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

With steaming hot tears I pushed past the group of people who I used to trust, but not anymore. I got out of the long corridor and to the ball room where most of the people were. I took two smoke canisters out of my holster threw it somewhere on the ground. As I was pacing to the main door I took out one more smoke canister and threw it on the ground too. Before walking out I took a glance of the room. The whole room was filled with smoke and I couldn't see anything through. I could hear people scream and shout orders. Perfect.

I ran outside and went straight to the car. When I was running towards it I was repeatingly wiping the tears on my cheeks, but only more if them came out of my eyes. I felt a burning sensation in my eyes, meaning the makeup was all over the place. While sobbing and running I fished the car keys out of my small bag and unlocked the black Ferrari infront of me. I practicly jumped inside of it and didn't wait for anything to turn the car engine on. The car let out a small purr and I sped out of the driveway, not wanting to be here any minute longer.

The blurriness from my eyes made it difficult to drive. Salty tears were falling from my eyes rapidly. I was sobbing non-stop. I was hurt, extremely hurt. I lost my loved ones again. I couldn't feel the pain anymore, I can't. I had already lost many people I loved so much. I can't loose more. If I just stay alone, I won't have to loose anyone, because I will have no one. I let out a painful scream and hit the steering wheel with both of my hands. I stopped screaming when my throat hurt like a bitch and my lungs were out of air. With my eyes focused on the blurry road, I tried to slow down my breathing. Deep breath in, and deep breath out.

After multiple attempts of calming down, I took my phone out of my bag. With my eyes jumping from the road, to my phone, I tapped on the contacts. I scrolled down to the letter 'S' and found Sophia's number. I pressed 'call' but it sent me straight to the voice mail. I exhaled a deep breath.

"Sophia..."My voice came out as a whisper."I just want you to know that I love you and I will never forget about you. We'll see each other after some time, I promise. Or maybe, I will just come back to you guys." I chuckled through my sobs. "Don't even try to find me... I'll get rid of the trackers and everything, I'll change my credit and ID cards. Hell, I'll even change my looks. I'll start over...just like I did the last time. Now, I want you to show everyone this part of the voice mail I'm about to say. Everyone is going to play a game and everyone will be a participant. You'll regret what you did to me, mark my words. And if any of you will stand against me you'll be making a mistake and everyone you love will suffer....the same goes to you. Goodbye. " I finished my speech and threw my phone out of the rolled down car window. I rolled the window back up and my eyes focused on the road.

About an hour passed of me driving 140 kilometres per hour and I finally reached the city. I took off the excess skin and makeup, with a few wipes I had in my car. My contacts still remained in my eyes. I don't know what city is was, since I was driving where my eyes ordered and I didn't have a map. As I drove into the city centre, which was full of cars, I couldn't help but look around. I have been here before. Many times. When I drove around, I reached the centre if the city and it immediately clicked. I was in Florence. The city where I spend my childhood. The city where I learned how to live, talk, write, dance, sing, count, draw, paint, walk. I didn't step a foot in Florence since the day my parents died. I didn't want to come here, because of the memories, the past.

I was home.

Finally I was fucking home.

I chuckled with my toothy smile when I passed the streets I used to walk in with my friends. I passed the park where me and my parents used to come almost every weekend. A happy tear fell down my cheek, remembering the memories, but my smile soon faded away. I won't be able to repeat those things with them again. Ever.

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