50 Uncle Dearest

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

Valentine's day or Cupid's day or whatever. Americans celebrate it like some big holiday. Even now, two weeks after it, the pink, red and white decorations are still up, not going down for a long time. When I'm walking in the streets, it screams annoyence and a waste of money.

I was always not a fan of Valentine's day. I always thought it was stupid, or so I did, until Marc. Marc was my first, he was also supposed to be the daddy of the first baby. Unfortunatly that Russian knowing bitch, was a pussy and couldn't deal with my opinion. Sad times. But got over it faster than my parents.

Now I'm walking in the pink and sparkly New York streets. Not a smart option to be in this City, let alone this country, but my job needs to be done. Which is why I'm now going to our permanent apartment downtown. I killed people, exploded houses and teritories the Luciano's owned. And lemme tell you, they have way too many of them. Who need five houses in New York? What the fuck are they doing with them?

My hands are all bloody and that's why I'm wearing gloves. I have a black trench coat to hide my weapons and ripped clothes. Who knew that killing people would make your clothes look like taken out of a blender? For my pants I choose simple black leggings and knee high black heels. What? Leggings are comfy and you can't see them either.

While walking I saw someone very familiar. Brunette hair, beautiful face... Isabelle. Ah shit.

I don't know if the rumors are true or not. As people say, Enzo who is almost married to one of my bestriends, Kesey, is seeing Isabelle behind Kesey's back. I don't know how Kesey and Enzo met, but goddammit I'm gonna kill Enzo and Isabelle.

Feeling like wanting to kill her, I followed her silently. My head down, looking at my feet, I followed her into a building and up the stairs. I stayed behind the wall so she wouldn't see me. Doors opened and closed, but I didn't hear it click. Sighing, I walked to the door and opened it oh so slowly.

Pictures of Enzo, his family, and him with Kesey together were on the walls. Does this bitch really has a key to one of Enzo's apartments? I walked silently, my heels not making a sound, the floor was a huge carpet and I was thankful for that. The fire place was already burning and next to it was a vase full of pokers?

Isabelle humming sounds came out of the kitchen, which was way across the living room I was now in. I prayed that she wouldn't see or hear me just yet, I don't want the surprised to be ruined. I silently took out a poker and mentally cursed at myself for loosing the silencer I had.

"You're back so early? I just started to prepare dinner for us." Isabelle's voice rang out. That scared the shit out of me. Does she have vamp hearing or sum? I'm pretty sure I didn't make a sound.

"No, I'm not back early." I anwsered. Isabelle jumped back at the sound. She turned around in horror and held a knife to protect herself, from who?

"What the fuck! What the fuck. What the fuck are you doing here?" She screamed out. When her eyes moved from my mine and fell on the metal poker I held she gasped, again.

"I'm..." I walked closer to her, the poker sreeching on the ground, Isabelle jerked back from my movements. "Here to kill you."

"What?! No! You can't do that!" She screamed. Can she stop? I started to scracth the poker on the tiles, making an awful sound. I didn't pay attention to it, but Isabelle did.

"Can you stop that, goddammit!" She covered her ears.

"No." I anwserwd bluntly. "This sound is the opposite of your voice, and I so enjoy it." I stopped the screetching and practically jumped on her. I quickly grabbed her by her throat and kicked the knife out of her hands.

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