51 Mercy

870 23 4

**Third person's pov**

With all horrible things going around, Alessandra felt nothing. She killed mercilessly and cruelly the people who stood up for her Uncle. She'd do anything for him. The killing count on Alessandra growed bigger and bigger. One-hundred people a few months ago, two-hundred people two months ago and three-hundred-sixty now. She wasn't the one who kept tabs on her and wrote her killing count. Kol was.

Kol Smith - a generous and a liberal assassin. Yes, you read that one right. Kol is a fun person to be around, yet when he does his work, it's like the fun side of him has never existed. Kol has a beautiful british accent. He was born and grew up in London. Personal things happened and he needed to take action. He met Alessandra's Uncle a few years back. Kol was at work, her Uncle was 'visitting' an old working pal. Kol is still training Alessandra to be at her best, she is almost as amazing as him, since he is the number two of the world's best assassins. That kind of information is written in the files that almost everyone in this dark world has. The number one, the best of the best assassins, is Sophia Valentino. No one can beat her, not even the numbers two and three.

Alessandra's Uncle is nothing but a liar and a cheater and she knew that, yet she did nothing about it. Her Uncle, Lev Burkov, is a sneaky little liar. The information he gave Alessandra was a piece of crap, well half of it. Some of it is true, some is not. Let's not get into the details right now.

As if now, months later, Alessandra is in the car, going to another job. This one doesn't contain murdering. Alessandra is going to have a meeting with her Uncle's most important drug dealers. Russian's deal a lot of drugs, yet the part that doesn't get bought, they use it. They snort it up their noses, drop it in their drinks or foods, they also smoke weed. More weed than cocaine. Alessandra on this mission isn't going alone, Kol is also going.

When they arrived at the destinacion, four of them got out of the car. Kol, Alessandra and two guards entered the club.

With a slam of the doors they all went inside. Smoke and dim lighting was seen. Since it was a little too early for partying, only a few people were seen. Music was on, but people must've heard the door slam, because all of their heads were turned to them. The four if them started to walk  through the dancing area. All eyes on her in the center of the area.

When they all came next to the wooden door, Alessandra nodded to the guards to stay outside. Kol opened the door without any knocking and both of them were met with a stench that would get you high and dizzy in seconds.

"What the fuck?" Alessandra mumbled while pinching her nose. She hated drugs. She hates the smell they create.

"Shto ty delaesh?" (What are you doing?) one of the man said. Alessandra understood just a little but of russian. She made her self clear to her Uncle that she doesn't want to learn anything. You can't avoid russian language if you're living in Russia. Alessandra eventually picked up some words.

"Shto ty delaesh?" (What are you doing?) Alessandra spoke back. "Viktor... Snova narkotiki? Ahh.. Ty suka." (Drugs again? Ahh.. You bitch) She laughed out but immediately got serious. "Let's get our serious faces on, we've got unfinished business."


After what felt like half a day to Alessandra, the meeting ended, leaving Kol and her high on rocks. Just before opening the doors out, Alessandra turned around to face the drug dealers once again.

"Oh, and Viktor... Get your shit together." Alessandra mumbled before slamming the door shut.

The drive to the mansion were her uncle's people lived was short. They drove into a huge drive way that had a big fountain. The drive way was a circle and in the middle was the fountain. Cars usually kept driving in and out the gates, but now they were in the only car in the drive way. The mansion was five stories high. Not to mention the basement where the training area is.

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