39 Anger issues

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**Alessandra's Santoro pov**

"Where did you get in?" Alessio's voice boomed. Me, Kate and Sophia froze in place and exchanged looks.

"I umm.... I got in...my uhh.. my teachers computers?" Kate stuterred as I turned around and smirked 'good job'.

"I see. Why did you Alessandra wanted to talk to Sophia all the sudden?" Alessio raised a brow.

It took me a second to think, when I finally blurted out "Oh, you know, I'm bleeding through my sexual organ and my stomach hurts like a bitch. And I was asking if she could go to the market and get ten tubs of ice cream."

Alessio raised both of his eyebrows and that made his eyes widen.

"I'm not sharing." I glared."Hah, just kidding." He shaked his head and smiled.

"You do know that Giovanni is looking for you? He's at the front gate." He glared and my expression changed from playful to mad.

I hesitated before anwsering "I know."

"So are you going to anwser it? He ranged the bell like twenty times already."

I let out a long and loud sigh "No, but I need to tell all of you something...here goes nothing." Sophia and Alessio both exchanged looks before turning back to me. "So, you know how like I'm Camilla Lee and he's looking for me?" I asked and Alessio slowly nodded his head. "He knows. He knows that I'm her."

All of their jaws almost reached the ground. "Wait, wait, wait. How did he found out?" Kate asked. Shit, that's the question I was dredding the most.

"We were in the middle of our business and his phone rang. He of course anwsered it, and they told him that they found Camilla. We got in a small argument about her, he said some things that I didn't agree with. I couldn't take it anymore so I took Camilla's picture out of my purse and gave it to him. Then I proceded to get the fuck out of his hotel, so I ran towards the emergency exit and Luca found me. I didn't have a choice but to beat him up."

Ding, dong

"Alessandra, you might want to take a look at this." Kate said. I turned my heel and walked to her. She showed me security cameras at the front gate. All bandaged up Luca and sad looking Giovanni? Giovanni Luciano sad? He could never. "Luca looks like he literally wants to rip your head off." Kate said sarcastically.

"Kate, you need to tell hem that I'm not here. I don't care what they offer you, but just say that I'm not home, please." I begged.

"And how do I do that?" She asked

"You press this button, you idiot." I said annoyed pointing at the laptops keyboard.

"Hey, Giovanni? What are you doing here?" Kate greeted looking through the screen. Gio's head snapped at the direction of the speaker and he furred his eyebrows.

"Hey, Kate. Where's Alessandra?" He asked before his look turned into a sympathetic.

"Sorry, but I don't know where she is. I thought she went to your hotel?" She anwsered looking at me while I high-fived her.

"Kate, cut the crap. Tell me where she is." Luca anwsered for Giovanni.

"She's not with me, she drove somewhere and I'm guessing that she's inside." Gio said through gritted teeth.

"WHAT? So you're telling me, that you lost my sister, while she was at your hotel?! Oh, you're so dead, you prick." She screamed while she jumped out of her bead and took a gun out of her drawer.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I whisperly yelled.

"I got it." Kate winked and walked out of her room and went outside, with three of us following her like lost puppies. I took the computer and watched their expresions. Gio was a bit confused while Luca had a smirk on his lips. When Kate started firing shots to the sky, me and Sophia were laughing our asses off. Luca and Gio immediately crunched down, one hand covering their heads and the other one holding their guns.

"WE COME IN PEACE!" Luca yelled that made me cringe.

"Get the hell out, before your brains splatter all over the place!" Kate yelled her lungs out.

Kate has some serious anger issues, lol. Alessio and Kate got them got from our dad.

Giovanni shrugged and told Luca something, that made both of them turn around and walk towards their car. Before Giovanni got into the car, he turned around to face the camera. He mouthed me 'I love you' before he got into the car and drove away. I felt tears picking in my eyes before a pair of arms attack me and pulled me into a tight hug.

I hugged Sophia back, but I didn't let tears escape my eyes. "Hey, hey, it's okay. Your relationship won't end this easily." She caressed my back.

"I know, we're both way too stubborn to let it go that easily. It's just that, what now?" I sighed.

"Aww, babe don't worry. We'll kill that son of a bitch and then you'll figure it all out. Don't cry over men, they're just a waste of time and fucking stupid." We pulled away.

"HEY! I'm actually offended." Alessio shouted and placed his arm over his chest being fake hurt. I chuckled and Sophia's eyes lit up.

"How about we go and eat some ice cream! Kate will go to the market to buy it, right?" She glared at Kate who only nodded with her eyes wide opened. "You can take one of my wigs?" Sophia asked.

"Sure, I guess." She shrugged and went inside.

"Let's go inside, it's really fucking cold in here." Alessio suggested as the three of us went into the living room and sat down on the couch. While Alessio was making his signature hot chocolate (amazing, I know) Sophia got some blankets and turned on Netflix. A few minutes later Kate came out of her room dressed in all black. Black combat boots, black boyfriends jeans, huge black oversized sweatshirt, long ass auburn wig that reached her waist, black versace sunglasses and to top it of, a black beanie. Sophia snapped her head Kate's direction and pulled a gun out of her holster and pointed it to her. 'HEY, HEY, it's me Kate!" She shouted and took of her glasses "Don't shoot, what the hell!"

Sophia lowered her gun. "That's what you do when your life is on the line? Whatever, no one will notice you. Here take this aswell." She said and gave her the gun.

"Thanks, so any particular orders?" Kate asked.

"Yes, get 2 tubs of strawberry ice cream, 1 of vanilla, 3 of mint cocholate chip and some popcorn, oh and something for yourself." I said handing her a hundred dollar bill. "Don't spend to much." I glared at her and she chuckled and walked to the garage. I sat back down and cuddled into the blankets and pillows while I started to think about our plan.

Lucifer Luciano, you're going down.



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